Division of Management Information
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2024-2025 Campus Profile -
Campus Total
What's New
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Select the units, items (rows), and column order desired and then hit the Submit button above
1. Select unit(s)
All units, depts, colleges
All academic college-level units
Undergraduate Colleges
Units with strategic indicators
Engineering Departments
Math, Stats, CS, Info Science Depts
Physical Science Depts
Biological Sciences Depts
Social & Behav Science Depts
Campus Total
Academic Units Total
___Agricultural, Cons, & Env Sci
_______ACES Admin
_______ACES courses
_______ACES General
_______ACES Technology Services
_______ADM Institute for PHL
_______Ag Ldrshp Educ Comm Program
_______Agr & Consumer Economics
_______Agricultural & Biological Engr
_______Agricultural Buildings O & M
_______Animal Sciences
_______Cooperative Extension
_______Crop Sciences
_______Food Sci & Human Nutrition
_______Human Dvlpmnt & Family Stud
_______Natural Resources & Env Sci
_______Nutritional Sciences, Div of
___Gies College of Business
_______Academy Entrepreneurial Ldrshp
_______Action Learning
_______Bureau of Economic & Bus Res
_______Business & Public Policy, Ctr
_______Business Administration
_______Business Online Programs
_______Disruption and Innovation
_______Executive MBA Program
_______Gies Academic Programs
_______Gies Advancement
_______Gies Business General
_______Gies Business Grad Programs
_______Gies College of Business
_______Gies Diversity Equity Inclsn
_______Gies Mktg & Communications
_______Gies Student&Corporate Connect
_______Gies Undergraduate Affairs
_______Illinois Business Consulting
_______IT Partners Gies Business
_______MBA Program Administration
_______Teaching and Learning
___Education, College of
_______Bureau of Educational Res
_______Centers &Strategic Initiatives
_______Council Teacher Ed Admin
_______Curriculum & Instruction
_______Educ Policy, Org & Leadershp
_______Education General
_______Education, Dean's Office
_______Educational Psychology
_______Special Education
___Grainger Engineering
_______Aerospace Engineering
_______Applied Research Institute
_______Civil & Environmental Eng
_______Computational Science & Eng
_______Coordinated Science Lab
_______Electrical & Computer Eng
_______Engineering Admin
_______Engineering Courses
_______Engineering General
_______Engineering Honors
_______Engineering IT Shared Svcs
_______Engineering Shared Services
_______Indust & Enterprise Sys Engr
_______Information Trust Institute
_______Intl Research Relations
_______Materials Research Lab
_______Materials Science & Engr
_______Mechanical Science & Engr
_______Micro and Nanotechnology Lab
_______Nuclear, Plasma & Rad Eng
_______Siebel Center for Design
_______Technology Entrepreneur Center
_______Siebel School Comp & Data Sci
___Fine & Applied Arts
_______Action Research Illinois
_______Art and Design
_______FAA Courses
_______FAA General
_______Fine & Applied Arts Admin
_______Japan House
_______Krannert Art Museum
_______Krannert Center
_______Landscape Architecture
_______University of Illinois Bands
_______Urban & Regional Planning
___Graduate College
_______Center for Advanced St Crses
_______CIC Traveling Scholars
_______Graduate College Admin
_______Graduate College DEI Programs
_______Graduate College Programs
_______Office of Professional Edu
___Media, College of
_____Media academic units
_______College of Media Programs
_______Institute Communications Res
_______Media Administration
_______Media and Cinema Studies
_______Media General
_____Illinois Public Media
_______IPM Administration
_______IPM Content Information
_______IPM Content Production
_______IPM Content Programming
_______IPM Delivery
_______IPM Development
_______IPM Outreach & Engagement
_______Law Library
___Liberal Arts & Sciences
_____LAS units not in a school
_______Actuarial Sci and Risk Mgmt
_______African American Studies
_______American Indian Studies Prog
_______Asian American Studies
_______Cline Ctr for Adv Social Rsrch
_______Gender and Women's Studies
_______Intl Forum for US Studies
_______Jewish Culture & Society, Prg
_______LAS courses
_______LAS General
_______Latina/Latino Studies
_______Liberal Arts & Sci Admin
_______Life Sciences
_______Medieval Studies
_______Political Science
_______Spurlock Museum
_______Unit for Criticism
_______Writing Studies, Center for
_____Chemical Sciences, School of
_______Chemical & Biomolecular Engr
_______Chemical Sciences Admin
_____School of Integrative Biology
_______Evolution Ecology Behavior
_______Integrative Biology Admin
_______Plant Biology
_____Molecular & Cell Biol, School
_______Biophysics & Quant Biology
_______Cell & Developmental Biology
_______Molecular & Cell Biol Admin
_______Molecular & Integrative Phys
_____Lit, Cultures,Linguistics,Sch
_______Comparative & World Literature
_______E. Asian Lang & Cultures
_______French and Italian
_______Germanic Languages & Lit
_______Literatures,Cultures,Ling Adm
_______Slavic Languages & Literature
_______SLCL Courses
_______Spanish and Portuguese
_______Translation & Interpreting St
_____Earth, Society, Environ, Sch
_______Climate Meteorology & Atm Sci
_______Earth Sci & Environmental Chng
_______Earth, Society, & Environ Adm
_______Geography & GIS
_______SESE Courses
_____IL Global Institute - Subcoll
_______African Studies, Center for
_______Center for Global Studies
_______E. Asian & Pacific Studies
_______European Union Center
_______Global Studies Prog & Courses
_______Illinois Global Institute
_______Latin Amer & Carib Studies
_______Lemann Center
_______Russn, E Eur & Eurasian Ctr
_______S. Asian & Mid East Studies
_______Women & Gender in Global Persp
___Division of General Studies
_______Campus Ctr Advising & Ac Svcs
_______Div of General Studies Adm
_______General Studies Courses
___Applied Health Sciences
_______Applied Health Sci Courses
_______Applied Health Sciences Admin
_______Applied Health Sciences Genl
_______Chez Veterans Center
_______Disability Res & Educ Svcs
_______Disability Res Institute
_______Health and Kinesiology
_______Health and Wellness Initiative
_______Health, Aging,& Disablty, Ctr
_______Interdisciplinary Health Sci
_______Motorcycle Rider Program
_______Recreation,Sport,& Tourism
_______Speech & Hearing Science
_______Tech for Health & Independence
___Medicine at UIUC
_______Medicine Administration
_____Basic Sciences
_______Basic Sciences Administration
_______Medical Biochemistry
_______Medical Cell & Develpmtl Biol
_______Medical Information Science
_______Medical Microbiology
_______Medical Molecular & Int Phys
_____Clinical Sciences
_______Clinical Sciences Admin
_______Family Medicine
_______Internal Medicine
_______Obstetrics & Gynecology
___Veterinary Medicine
_______Comparative Biosciences
_______Medical District Vet Clinic
_______Vet Clinical Medicine
_______Vet Diagnostic Laboratory
_______Vet Med College-Wide Prgs
_______Vet Med General
_______Veterinary Medicine Admin
_______Veterinary Prog in Agr
_______Veterinary Teaching Hospital
_______Zoonoses Research, Center for
___Armed Forces
_______Air Force Aerospace Studies
_______Armed Forces Coordinator
_______Military Science
_______Naval Science
___Institute of Aviation
_______Institute of Aviation
___Public Safety Administration
_______Fire Service Institute
_______Police Training Institute
___Labor & Empl Relns, School of
_______Labor & Employment Rels
___Social Work, School of
_______Social Work
___Provost Academic Programs
_______Provost Courses
___Center Innov in Teach Learn
_______Academic Outreach
_______Center Innov in Teach Learn
_______Guided and Self-Paced Study
_______I-Stem Initiative
_______Illinois Online Marketing
___School of Information Sciences
_______Center for Children's Books
_______Information Sciences
___Intl Programs & Studies
_______Global Education & Training
_______Illinois Abroad & Global Exch
_______Illinois International Prgms
_______Intensive English Institute
_______Intl Student & Scholar Svcs
___University Library
_______Library Admin
_______Library Collections/Support
_______Library Research & Publ
_______Mortenson Ctr Int'l Lib Prgms
___Carle Illinois Medicine
_______Biomed & Translational Sci
_______Carle Illinois COM Pgm & Crse
_______Carle Illinois Medicine Admin
_______Clinical Sciences
Chancellor Admin Rollup
_______Office of the Chancellor
_____Public Engagement-subcoll
_______Office of Public Engagement
_____Human Resources
_______Academic Human Resources
_______Employee Dev and Learning
_______Faculty/Staff Assistance Svcs
_______Illinois Human Resources
_______UI Alumni Association
_______News Bureau
_______Special Events
_______Strategic Marketing & Branding
_______Web Services
___Intercollegiate Athletics
_______Intercollegiate Athletics
_______State Farm Center
VC Acad Aff/Provost Rollup
___VC AcAff/Provost College
_____VC AcAff/Provost Subcollege
_______Big Ten Academic Alliance
_______Campus Honors Program
_______Center for Advanced Study
_______Management Information (DMI)
_______Osher Lifelong Learning Inst
_______Provost/VCAA Admin
_______Smart Healthy Community
_______Undergraduate Research
_______University Lab High School
_____Enrollment Management
_______Enrollment Mgmt Shared Svcs
_______Office of the Registrar
_______Principal's Scholars Program
_______Student Financial Aid
_______Student Financial Aid - Admin
_______Undergraduate Admissions
___Technology Svcs at Illinois
_______Campus Research IT
_______Office of Chief Info Officer
_______Technology Srvs at Illinois
_______TS IT Service Delivery
F&S Admin Rollup
___Facilities Planning & Pgms
_____Energy Services
_______Energy Services Admin
_______Utilities - UIUC
_______Campus Stores and Receiving
_______Eng & Constr Serv Admin
_______F&S Document Services
_______F&S Fleet Operations
_____Planning, Constr,Maint
_______Heat, Light and Power
_____Capital Admin & Development
_______Capital Admin & Development
_____Construction Services
_______Construction Management
_______Building Maintenance
_______Building Maintenance Funct
_______Building Operation
_______Construction Improvements
_______Maint NAF-Incrementally Funded
_______Maintenance Asset Management
_______Waste Management
_____Planning & Campus Architect
_______Capital Programs
_____Safety and Compliance
_______Safety and Compliance
_____Facilities and Services
_______Facilities and Services
_____F&S Engineering Services
_______F&S Engineering Services
VC Research Admin Rollup
___VC Research and Innovation
_______Agr Animal Care and Use Prg
_______Animal Care Program
_______Biotechnology Center
_______Corporate Relations, Ofc of
_______OCR Special Projects
_______Office of Animal Research Comp
_______Office of Proposal Development
_______OVCRI Admin
_______OVCRI Support
_______Protection of Research Subject
_______Research Board
_______Research Park
_______Research Safety
_______Sponsored Prgms Adm
_______Sponsored Prgms Adm Post-Award
___OVCRI Institutes
_______Beckman Institute
_______Cancer Center at Illinois
_______Carl R. Woese Inst for Gen Bio
_______Humanities Research Institute
_______Inst for Sustain, Enrgy, & Env
_______Interdis Health Sci Institute
_____OVCRI Prairie Research Inst
_______IL Natural History Survey
_______IL State Archaeological Survey
_______IL State Geological Survey
_______IL State Water Survey
_______IL Sustainable Technology Ctr
_______Prairie Research Institute Adm
VC Student Affairs Rollup
___Student Affairs College
_______Counseling Center
_______Illinois Leadership Center
_______Inclusion & Intercultural Rel
_______Jeffries Ctr Acces and AcadSuc
_______Student Affairs Admin
_______Student Conflict Resolution
_______Student Health Insurance
_______Student Success & Engagement
_______Testing Center
_______The Career Center
___Auxiliary Units
_______Aux. Health/WB Marketing
_______Campus Mail
_______Campus Recreation
_______Conference Center
_______Conference Services
_______Dean of Students, Office of
_______Housing Division
_______Illini Union
_______McKinley Health Service
_______Parking Department
_______Student Affairs Technology
VC Inst Advancement Rollup
___VC Institutional Advancement
_______VC Institutional Advancement
VC for Diversity Rollup
___Vice Chancellor for Diversity
_______Access and Equity, Ofc of
_______Business Community Econ Dev
_______Diversity Committee & Advocacy
_______Illinois Scholars Program
_______Office for Campus Belonging
_______Title IX Office
_______Vice Chancellor for Diversity
VC Admin & Operations Rollup
___VC Admin & Operations College
_______Allerton Park & Retreat Ctr
_______Aviation Lease
_______Division of Public Safety
_______Facility Scheduling Logistics
_______Illini Center
_______Ofc of Strategic Project Mgmt
_______Office of Threat Assessment
_______Purchasing Office
_______Swanlund IT
_______VC Admin & Operations
_______Willard Airport Comm Oper
2. Select item(s)
All items
Standard Profile Items, depts, colleges
Strategic Indicators
1000 Faculty and Staff ----------
1010 FTE staff on State/TuitFunds
1020 FTE Academic Staff St/Tu$
1030 FTE TenSysFaculty St/Tu$
1040 FTE Professors St/Tu$
1060 FTE Assoc Prof St/Tu$
1080 FTE Asst Prof St/Tu$
1090 FTE Other ten St/Tu$
1100 FTE Vis Faculty St/Tu$
1101 FTE Oth Spec Fac St/Tu$
1110 FTE Post Docs St/Tu$
1120 FTE Spec Faculty St/Tu$
1124 FTE Clinical Fac St/Tu$
1125 FTE Clin Prof St/Tu$
1126 FTE ClinAsscPrf St/Tu$
1127 FTE ClinAsstPrf St/Tu$
1128 FTE Teaching Fac St/Tu$
1129 FTE Tch Prof St/Tu$
112A FTE Other Clin St/Tu$
1130 FTE TchAsscProf St/Tu$
1131 FTE TchAsstProf St/Tu$
1132 FTE Research Fac St/Tu$
1133 FTE Rsch Prof St/Tu$
1134 FTE RschAsscProfSt/Tu$
1135 FTE RschAsstProfSt/Tu$
1136 FTE Instructors St/Tu$
1137 FTE Lecturers St/Tu$
113A FTE Other Tch St/Tu$
113B FTE Other Rsch St/Tu$
1140 FTE Academic Prof St/Tu$
1142 FTE Admin Prfnl St/Tu$
1143 FTE Other Prfnl St/Tu$
1160 FTE All Assistants- St/Tu$
1180 FTE TeachingAsst- St/Tu$
1200 FTE ResearchAsst- St/Tu$
1220 FTE GraduateAsst- St/Tu$
1240 FTE CivilServStaff- St/Tu$
1241 FTE SkilledCraft- St/Tu$
1242 FTE Svc/Maintnce- St/Tu$
1243 FTE Prfnl CvlSvc- St/Tu$
1244 FTE Tech/Paraprf- St/Tu$
1250 FTE staff on Inst Funds
1251 FTE Academic Staff Inst$$
1252 FTE TenSysFaculty Inst$$
1253 FTE Professors Inst$$
1254 FTE Assoc Prof Inst$$
1255 FTE Asst Prof Inst$$
1256 FTE Other ten Inst$$
1257 FTE Post Docs Inst$$
1258 FTE Spec Faculty Inst$$
1259 FTE Clinical Fac Inst$$
1260 FTE Clin Prof Inst$$
1261 FTE ClinAsscPrf Inst$$
1262 FTE ClinAsstPrf Inst$$
1263 FTE Other Clin Inst$$
1264 FTE Teaching Fac Inst$$
1265 FTE Tch Prof Inst$$
1266 FTE TchAsscProf Inst$$
1267 FTE TchAsstProf Inst$$
1268 FTE Other Tch Inst$$
1269 FTE Research Fac Inst$$
1270 FTE Rsch Prof Inst$$
1271 FTE RschAsscProfInst$$
1272 FTE RschAsstProfInst$$
1273 FTE Other Rsch Inst$$
1274 FTE Instructors Inst$$
1275 FTE Lecturers Inst$$
1276 FTE Vis Faculty Inst$$
1277 FTE Oth Spec Fac Inst$$
1278 FTE Academic Prof Inst$$
1279 FTE Admin Prfnl Inst$$
1280 FTE Other Prfnl Inst$$
1281 FTE All Assistants- Inst$$
1282 FTE TeachingAsst- Inst$$
1283 FTE ResearchAsst- Inst$$
1284 FTE GraduateAsst- Inst$$
1285 FTE CivilServStaff- Inst$$
1286 FTE SkilledCraft- Inst$$
1287 FTE Svc/Maintnce- Inst$$
1288 FTE Prfnl CvlSvc- Inst$$
1289 FTE Tech/Paraprf- Inst$$
1300 FTE Staff on All Funds
1310 FTE Academic Staff -All$$
1320 FTE TenSys Faculty-All$$
1340 FTE Professors -All$$
1360 FTE Assoc Prof -All$$
1380 FTE Asst Prof -All$$
1390 FTE Other ten -All$$
1400 FTE Vis Faculty -All$$
1401 FTE Oth Spec Fac -All$$
1410 FTE Post Docs -All$$
1420 FTE Spec Faculty -All$$
1424 FTE Clinical Fac -All$$
1425 FTE Clin Prof -All$$
1426 FTE ClinAssocPrf-All$$
1427 FTE ClinAsstPrf -All$$
1428 FTE Teaching Fac -All$$
1429 FTE Tch Prof -All$$
142A FTE Other Clin -All$$
1430 FTE TchAsscProf -All$$
1431 FTE TchAsstProf -All$$
1432 FTE Research Fac -All$$
1433 FTE Rsch Prof -All$$
1434 FTE RschAsscProf-All$$
1435 FTE RschAsstProf-All$$
1436 FTE Instructors -All$$
1437 FTE Lecturers -All$$
1438 FTE Other Tch -All$$
1439 FTE Other Rsch -All$$
1440 FTE Academic Prof -All$$
1441 % FTE Acad Prof -All$$
1442 FTE Admin Prfnl -All$$
1443 FTE Other Prfnl -All$$
1460 FTE All Assistants -All$$
1480 FTE Teaching Assts-All$$
1500 FTE Research Assts-All$$
1520 FTE Graduate Assts-All$$
1540 FTE CivilServStaff -All$$
1541 % FTE Civil Svc -All$$
1542 FTE Skilled Craft -All$$
1543 FTE Svc/Maintence -All$$
1544 FTE Prfnl CivilSvc-All$$
1545 FTE Tech/Paraprfnl-All$$
1592 National Academy memberships
1593 Natl Academy of Sciences
1594 Natl Academy of Engineerg
1596 Natl Academy of Medicine
1599 CampusCharitableFundDrive000
1600 Headcount Staff on All funds
1602 Academic Staff Headcount
1603 Tenure Sys Fac Headcount
1604 Professors Headcount
1605 Assoc Prof Headcount
1606 Asst Prof Headcount
1608 Other ten sys Headcount
1610 Visiting Faculty Hdc
1611 Other Spec Fac Hdc
1615 Post Docs Headcount
1620 Specialized Fac Headcount
1621 Clin Prof Hdc
1622 ClinAssocPrf Hdc
1623 ClinAsstPrf Hdc
1624 Clinical Faculty Hdc
1625 Academic Profnl Headcount
1627 Admin Prfnl Headcount
1628 Other Prfnl Headcount
162A Teaching Faculty Hdc
162B Tch Prof Hdc
162C Tch Assoc Prof Hdc
162D Tch Asst Prof Hdc
162E Research Faculty Hdc
162F Research Prof Hdc
162G Rsch Assoc Prof Hdc
162H Rsch Asst Prof Hdc
162I Instructors Hdc
162J Lecturers Hdc
162K Other Clinical Hdc
162L Other Teaching Hdc
162M Other Research Hdc
1630 Assistants Headcount
1635 Civil Svc Staff Headcount
1636 Skilled Craft Headcount
1637 Svc/Maintence Headcount
1638 Prfnl CivilSvc Headcount
1639 Tech/Paraprfnl Headcount
1660 Hourly Employees Headcount
1662 Civil Svc Hourly Hdcnt
1663 Extra HelpHourly Hdcnt
1664 Academic Hourly Hdcnt
1666 Graduate Hourly Hdcnt
1668 Student Hourly Hdcnt
1700 Headcount All funds - Women
1702 Academic Staff - Women
1703 Ten Sys Faculty - Women
1704 Professors - Women
1705 Assoc Prof - Women
1706 Asst Prof - Women
1708 Other ten sys - Women
1710 Visitng Faculty - Women
1711 Other Spec Fac - Women
1715 Post Docs - Women
1720 Specialized Fac - Women
1721 Clinical Prof - Women
1722 Clin Assoc Prof- Women
1723 Clin Asst Prof - Women
1724 Clinical Faculty Women
1725 Academic Profnl - Women
1727 Admin Profnl - Women
1728 Other Profnl - Women
172A Teaching Faculty- Women
172B Tch Prof - Women
172C Tch Assoc Prof - Women
172D Tch Asst Prof - Women
172E Research Faculty- Women
172F Research Prof - Women
172G Rsch Assoc Prof- Women
172H Rsch Asst Prof - Women
172I Instructors - Women
172J Lecturers - Women
172K Other Clinical - Women
172L Other Teaching - Women
172M Other Research - Women
1730 Assistants - Women
1735 Civil Serv Staff - Women
1736 Skilled Craft - Women
1737 Svc/Maintenance - Women
1738 Profnl CivilSvc - Women
1739 Tech/Paraprofnl - Women
1740 Headcount All funds % Women
1742 Academic Staff % Women
1743 Ten Sys Faculty % Women
1744 Professors % Women
1745 Assoc Prof % Women
1746 Asst Profs % Women
1748 Other ten sys % Women
174L Other Teaching % Women
1750 Visitng Faculty % Women
1751 Other Spec Fac % Women
1755 Post Docs % Women
1760 Specialized Fac % Women
1761 Clin Prof % Women
1762 Clin Assoc Prf % Women
1763 Clin Asst Prf % Women
1764 Clinical Faclty % Women
1765 Academic Profnl % Women
1767 Admin Profnl % Women
1768 Other Profnl % Women
176A Teaching Faclty % Women
176B Tch Prof % Women
176C Tch Assoc Prof % Women
176D Tch Asst Prof % Women
176E Research Faclty % Women
176F Research Prof % Women
176G Rsch Assc Prof % Women
176H Rsch Asst Prof % Women
176I Instructors % Women
176J Lecturers % Women
176K Other Clinical % Women
176M Other Research % Women
1770 Assistants % Women
1775 Civil Serv Staff % Women
1776 Skilled Craft % Women
1777 Svc/Maintenance % Women
1778 Profnl CivilSvc % Women
1779 Tech/Paraprofnl % Women
1800 Headcount % Underrepresented
1802 Academic Staff % Undrrp
1803 Ten Sys Faculty % Undrrp
1804 Professors % Undrrp
1805 Assoc Prof % Undrrp
1806 Asst Prof % Undrrp
1808 Other ten sys % Undrrp
1810 Visiting Fac % Undrrp
1811 Other Spec Fac % Undrrp
1815 Post Docs % Undrrp
1820 Specialized Fac % Undrrp
1821 Clinical Prof % Undrrp
1822 ClinAssocProf % Undrrp
1823 Clin AsstProf % Undrrp
1824 Clinical Fac % Undrrp
1825 Academic Profnl % Undrrp
1827 Admin Profnl % Undrrp
1828 Other Profnl % Undrrp
182A Teaching Fac % Undrrp
182B Tch Prof % Undrrp
182C Tch Assc Prof % Undrrp
182D Tch Asst Prof % Undrrp
182E Research Fac % Undrrp
182F Research Prof % Undrrp
182G Rsch AssoProf % Undrrp
182H Rsch AsstProf % Undrrp
182I Instructors % Undrrp
182J Lecturers % Undrrp
182K Other Clin % Undrrp
182L Other Tch % Undrrp
182M Other Rsch % Undrrp
1830 Assistants % Undrrp
1835 Civil Svc Staff % Undrrp
1836 Skilled Craft % Undrrp
1837 Svc/Maintenance % Undrrp
1838 Profnl CivilSvc % Undrrp
1839 Tech/Paraprofnl % Undrrp
1840 Underrepresented Headcount
1842 Academic Staff Underrp
1843 Ten Sys Fac Underrp
1844 Professors Underrp
1845 Assoc Prof Underrp
1846 Asst Prof Underrp
1848 Other ten sys Underrp
1850 Visiting Fac Undrrp
1851 Other Spec Fac Undrrp
1855 Post Docs Underrp
1858 Specialized Fac Underrp
1859 Clinical Fac Underrp
185A Clinical Prof Undrrp
185B ClinAssocProf Undrrp
185C Clin AsstProf Undrrp
185D Teaching Faculty Undrrp
185E Tch Prof Undrrp
185F Tch Assoc Prof Undrrp
185G Tch Asst Prof Undrrp
185H Research Faculty Undrrp
185I Research Prof Undrrp
185J Rsch Assoc Prof Undrrp
185K Rsch Asst Prof Undrrp
185L Instructors Undrrp
185M Lecturers Undrrp
185N Other Clinical Undrrp
185P Other Teaching Undrrp
185Q Other Research Undrrp
1865 Academic Profnl Underrp
1867 Admin Prfnl Underrp
1868 Other Prfnl Underrp
1870 Assistants Underrp
1875 Civil Svc Staff Underrp
1876 Skilled Craft Underrp
1877 Svc/Maintenance Underrp
1878 Profnl CivilSvc Underrp
1879 Tech/Paraprofnl Underrp
1900 FTE All Funds - Women
1901 FTE Academic Staff -Women
1902 FTE TenSys Faculty-Women
1903 FTE Professors -Women
1904 FTE Assoc Prof -Women
1905 FTE Asst Prof -Women
1906 FTE Other ten -Women
1907 FTE Vis Faculty -Women
1908 FTE Post Docs -Women
1909 FTE Spec Faculty -Women
1910 FTE Clinical Fac -Women
1911 FTE Academic Prof -Women
1912 FTE Admin Prfnl -Women
1913 FTE Other Prfnl -Women
1914 FTE All Assistants -Women
1915 FTE CivilServStaff -Women
1916 FTE Skilled Craft -Women
1917 FTE Svc/Maintence -Women
1918 FTE Prfnl CivilSvc-Women
1919 FTE Tech/Paraprfnl-Women
191A FTE Clin Prof -Women
191B FTE ClnAsscProf -Women
191C FTE ClnAsstProf -Women
191D FTE Teaching Fac -Women
191E FTE Tch Prof -Women
191F FTE TchAsscProf -Women
191G FTE TchAsstProf -Women
191H FTE Research Fac -Women
191I FTE Rsch Prof -Women
191J FTE RschAsscProf-Women
191K FTE RschAsstProf-Women
191L FTE Instructors -Women
191M FTE Lecturers -Women
191N FTE Other Clin -Women
191P FTE Other Tch -Women
191Q FTE Other Rsch -Women
191R FTE Oth Spec Fac -Women
1925 FTE All Funds - % Women
1926 FTE Academic Staff % Women
1927 FTE TenSys Fac % Women
1928 FTE Profs % Women
1929 FTE Assoc Prof % Women
1930 FTE Asst Prof % Women
1931 FTE Other ten % Women
1932 FTE Vis Faculty % Women
1933 FTE Post Docs % Women
1934 FTE Spec Faculty % Women
1935 FTE Clin Fac % Women
1936 FTE Acad Profnl % Women
1937 FTE Admin Prfnl% Women
1938 FTE Other Prfnl% Women
1939 FTE All Assistants % Women
193A FTE Clin Prof % Women
193B FTE ClnAsscPrf % Women
193C FTE ClnAsstPrf % Women
193D FTE Teaching Fac% Women
193E FTE Tch Prof % Women
193F FTE TchAsscProf% Women
193G FTE TchAsstProf% Women
193H FTE Research Fac% Women
193I FTE Rsch Prof % Women
193J FTE RschAsscPrf% Women
193K FTE RschAsstPrf% Women
193L FTE Instructors % Women
193M FTE Lecturers % Women
193N FTE Other Clin % Women
193P FTE Other Tch % Women
193Q FTE Other Rsch % Women
193R FTE Oth Spec Fac% Women
1940 FTE CivilServStaff % Women
1941 FTE Skilled Craft% Women
1942 FTE Svc/Maintence% Women
1943 FTE Prfnl CivlSvc% Women
1944 FTE Tech/Paraprf % Women
1950 Underrepresented FTE
1951 FTE Academic Staff Underrp
1952 FTE Ten Sys Fac Underrp
1953 FTE Professors Underrp
1954 FTE Assoc Prof Underrp
1955 FTE Asst Prof Underrp
1956 FTE Other ten Underrp
1957 FTE Visiting Fac Undrrp
1958 FTE Post Docs Underrp
1959 FTE Spec Faculty Underrp
195A FTE Clin Prof Undrrp
195B FTE ClnAsscProf Undrrp
195C FTE ClnAsstProf Undrrp
195D FTE Teaching Fac Undrrp
195E FTE Tch Prof Undrrp
195F FTE TchAsscPrf Undrrp
195G FTE TchAsstPrf Undrrp
195H FTE Research Fac Undrrp
195I FTE Rsch Prof Undrrp
195J FTE RschAsscPrf Undrrp
195K FTE RschAsstPrf Undrrp
195L FTE Instructors Undrrp
195M FTE Lecturers Undrrp
195N FTE Other Clin Undrrp
195P FTE Other Tch Undrrp
195Q FTE Other Rsch Undrrp
195R FTE Oth Spec Fac Undrrp
1960 FTE Clin Fac Underrp
1961 FTE Acad Profn Underrp
1962 FTE Admin Prfnl Underrp
1963 FTE Other Prfnl Underrp
1964 FTE Assistants Underrp
1965 FTE Civil Svc Underrp
1966 FTE Skilled Crft Underrp
1967 FTE Svc/Maint Underrp
1968 FTE Prof CvlSvc Underrp
1969 FTE Tech/Paraprf Underrp
1975 FTE All Funds - % Underrep
1976 FTE Acad Staff % Underrp
1977 FTE TenSysFac % Underrp
1978 FTE Professors% Underrp
1979 FTE Assoc Prof% Underrp
1980 FTE Asst Prof % Underrp
1981 FTE Other ten % Underrp
1982 FTE Visiting Fac%Undrrp
1983 FTE Post Docs % Underrp
1984 FTE Spec Faculty% Underrp
1985 FTE Clin Fac % Underrp
1986 FTE Acad Prfnl % Underrp
1987 FTE Adm Prfnl % Underrp
1988 FTE Oth Prfnl % Underrp
1989 FTE Assistants % Underrp
198A FTE Clin Prof %Undrrp
198B FTE ClnAsscPrf %Undrrp
198C FTE ClnAsstPrf %Undrrp
198D FTE Teaching Fac%Undrrp
198E FTE Tch Prof %Undrrp
198F FTE TchAsscPrf %Undrrp
198G FTE TchAsstPrf %Undrrp
198H FTE Research Fac%Undrrp
198I FTE Rsch Prof %Undrrp
198J FTE RschAsscPrf%Undrrp
198K FTE RschAsstPrf%Undrrp
198L FTE Instructors %Undrrp
198M FTE Lecturers %Undrrp
198N FTE Other Clin %Undrrp
198P FTE Other Tch %Undrrp
198Q FTE Other Rsch %Undrrp
198R FTE Oth Spec Fac%Undrrp
1990 FTE Civil Svc % Underrp
1991 FTE Skild Crft % Underrp
1992 FTE Svc/Maint % Underrp
1993 FTE Prof CvlSvc% Underrp
1994 FTE Tech/Parprf% Underrp
1999 Budget and Expenditures
2000 Orig State/Tuition Bdgt(000)
2010 % Grp State/Tuition Budget
2015 St Budget - Constant $000
2049 Allocation of State Budget
2050 Acad Salary Budget
2060 Asst Salary Budget
2070 Non-Ac Salaries Budget
2080 Wage Budget
2090 Summer Wages Budget
2100 Expense & Equip Bdgt
2120 % Acad Salary Budget
2130 % Asst Salary Budget
2140 % Non-Ac Salary Budget
2150 % Wage Budget
2160 % Summer budget wages
2170 % Expense & Equip Bdgt
2400 Total tuition dollars (000)
2402 Self-sup/CR acad pgms (000)
2404 Number of budget deficits
2406 Budget deficits (000)
2500 Expenditures (000)
2510 (excl aux, st & svcs)
2530 State/Tuition Exp (000)
2533 State/TuitExp - NACUBO
2534 Instruction (000)
2535 Research (000)
2536 Public Service (000)
2537 Academic Support(000)
2538 Student Svcs (000)
2539 Institutl Supprt(000)
2540 O&M of Plant (000)
2541 Schol&Fellwshps (000)
2542 Other NACUBOs (000)
2550 Institutional Exp (000)
2553 ICR Direct Exp (000)
2554 Royalty/Patent Exp(000)
2555 Educ/Admn Allw Exp(000)
2570 Grants & Contr Exp (000)
2573 G&C Federal Exp (000)
2574 G&C Illinois Exp (000)
2575 G&C Pvt & Othr Exp(000)
2590 Gifts & Endwmnt Exp (000)
2594 Gifts Exp (000)
2595 Trust Exp (000)
2596 Endowment Exp (000)
2597 Restrict Recv/Pybl(000)
2610 SelfS/FWS/LandGr Exp(000)
2614 Self-Supportng Exp(000)
2616 Fed Work Study Exp(000)
2617 Land Grant App Exp(000)
2620 % State Approp & Tuition
2630 % Institutional
2640 % Grants & Contracts
2650 % Gifts & Endowment
2660 % SelfS/FWS/LandGrant
2670 Aux Enterprises Exp(000)
2680 Stores & Service Exp(000)
2682 Research & Dvlpmnt Exp(000)
2685 G&C Exp - PI home dept(000)
2690 ICR Generated (000)
2693 ICR Transfers-Fed (000)
2694 ICR Transfers-Ill (000)
2695 ICR Transfers-PvtOt(000)
2700 Research Activity ---------
2720 Principal Investigators
2740 % faculty headcount
2760 Grant & Contract exp/facFTE
2762 PI G&C exp/fac FTE
2770 Sponsored Research $000
2771 Sponsored Other $000
2772 Sponsrd Rsrch $000/Fac FTE
2780 Technology Transfer--------
2782 Disclosures
2784 Patents filed
2786 Patents issued
2788 Licenses and options
2790 Startups
2792 Royalty revenues-$millions
2794 Companies in Research Park
2796 Employees in Research Park
2798 # corps w/ active contracts
2799 # active contracts w/ corps
2800 Budget Ratios -------------
2820 % Grp Budget/% Grp Acad FTE
2840 % Group Budget/% Group IU
2860 % Group Acad FTE/% Group IU
2890 Deflated state budget/IU pd
2900 State/Tuit Exp $/advisee
2910 St/TuitInstrExp $/advisee
2911 Deflated St Instr$/advisee
2920 St/TuitInstrExp $/IU paid
2921 Deflatd St/TuitInstr $/IU
2923 Exclusions fr state/tuit Exp
2925 Defltd State/Tuit Instr Exp
2950 Advancement ---------------
2951 New Business $000
2952 Cash giving $000
2956 # new donors
2966 $ Raised for Fin Aid $000
2968 $ Raised for EndowdFac$000
2970 Total Endowment $000
3000 Cost/IU to offer courses
3020 Cost/IUs: All levels
3040 Freshman/soph cost/IU
3060 Junior/senior cost/IU
3080 Grad I & prof cost/IU
3100 Grad II cost/IU
3110 Freshman & soph IUs
3111 Junior & senior IUs
3112 Grad I & prof IUs
3113 Grad II IUs
3114 Total IUs
3115 Freshman & soph cost
3116 Junior & senior cost
3117 Grad I & prof cost
3118 Grad II cost
3119 Total cost
3200 Faculty Activity % (state)
3210 Faculty Annualized State FTE
3220 Instructional FTE
3230 Thesis Supervision FTE
3240 Dept'l Research FTE
3250 Organized Research FTE
3260 Extension/Public Svc FTE
3270 Other Activities
3280 % Instructional FTE
3290 % Thesis Supervision FTE
3300 % Dept'l Research FTE
3310 % Organized Research FTE
3320 % Extension/Public Svc FTE
3330 % Other Activities
3400 Space ---------------------
3410 Total Net Assignable Sq Ft
3420 Unclassified NASF
3430 Class NASF
3450 Teaching Lab NASF
3470 Open Lab NASF
3490 Research Lab NASF
3510 Office NASF
3520 Study NASF
3530 Special NASF
3540 General NASF
3550 Support NASF
3560 Health Care/Residential
3570 Deferred Maintenance $000
3580 Energy Utilization Indx(000)
3590 Utilities Expenses (000)
3701 Freshmen
3711 Sophomores
3721 Juniors
3731 Seniors
3741 Nondegree/second bachelor
3743 Ugrad Other Advisees FTE
3745 Ugrad Dbl Degree Major FTE
3751 Parttime undergrads
3761 % Parttime undergrads
3772 Nonresident ugrad
3773 % Nonresident ugrad
3778 Underrep Undergrads
3779 % Underrep Undergrads
3782 International Ugrads
3783 % International Ugrads
3784 Women Undergrads
3785 % Women Undergrads
3801 All Graduate & Professional
3803 FTE Grad & Profnl Students
3805 % Group grad & prof
3807 Parttime grad & profnl
3809 % Parttime grad & profnl
3811 Nonresident grad & profnl
3813 % Nonresident grad & prfnl
3821 Underrep grad & profnl
3823 % Underrep grad & profnl
3825 International grad & prfnl
3827 % Intl grad & profnl
3829 Women grad & profnl
3831 % Women grad & profnl
3833 Grad & Prof Dbl DgrMjr FTE
3963 FTE Professional Studnts
3971 Parttime Profnl
3981 % Parttime Profnl
3991 Nonresident Profnl
4001 % Nonresident Profnl
4002 Underrep Prfnl stdnts
4003 % Underrep Prfnl stdnts
4011 International Profnl
4021 % International Profnl
4025 Women profnl students
4027 % Women profnl students
4030 First Generation NewFreshman
4031 First Generation Undergrads
4032 Online All Students
4033 % Online All Students
4034 Online Undergraduates
4035 % Online Undergraduates
4036 Online Graduate Students
4037 % Online Graduate
4038 Online Professional Students
4039 % Online Professional
4040 Other Advisees - ugrad
4042 Other Advisees - grad
4043 Other Adv Parttime - ug
4044 Other Adv Parttime - grad
4045 Total Advisees - ugrad
4046 Total Advisees - grad & pr
4050 Additional Thesis Students
4052 Addl PhD stdts supervised
4053 Addl Master stdts suprvsed
4080 Double Degree/Double Majors
4081 Parttime Ugrad Dbl Dg/Mjr
4082 Parttime Prof Dbl Dg/Mjr
4083 Parttime Grad Dbl Dg/Mjr
4084 All Double Degree/Dble Mjrs
4085 Undergraduate Dbl Dg/Mjr
4086 Professional Dbl Dg/Mjr
4087 Graduate Dbl Dg/Mjr
4088 Undergraduate Minors
4089 Graduate/Prof Minors
4090 All Students On, Off & Onlin
4091 FTE All Students
4092 All Stdts- Underrepresntd
4093 All Stdts- Women
4094 All Stdts-% Underrepresntd
4095 All Stdts-% Women
4096 All Stdts- Parttime
4097 All Stdts-% Parttime
4098 All Stdts- International
4099 All Stdts-% International
4100 All Undergraduates
4101 % Group Undergraduates
4102 FTE Undergraduates
4103 FTE Graduate Students
4104 Masters/Grad I
4105 All Professional Students
4106 All Graduate Students
4107 Doctoral/Grad II
4108 Nondegree grad
4109 Underrepresnted All Grad
4110 International All Grad
4111 Women All Grad
4112 Nonresident All Grad
4113 Parttime All Grad
4114 % Underreprsntd All Grad
4115 % International All Grad
4116 % Women All Grad
4117 % Nonresident All Grad
4118 % Parttime All Grad
4119 Grad Other Advisees FTE
4120 ORIGINAL Freshman Admissions
4122 ORIG New Frsh Applications
4124 ORIG New Frsh Appl Admitted
4125 % ORIG New Frsh Appl Admt
4126 ORIG New Frsh Enrolled
4127 ORIG New Frsh Yield %
4130 New Freshman ACT Comp
4136 New Freshman SAT mean
4140 ORIGINAL Transfer Admissions
4142 ORIG New Trfr Applications
4144 ORIG New Trfr Appl Admitted
4145 % ORIG New Trfr Appl Admt
4146 ORIG New Trfr Enrolled
4147 ORIG New Trfr Yield %
4150 TOTAL New Frsh Applications
4151 TOT New Frsh Appl Admitted
4152 % TOT New Frsh Appl Admt
4153 TOT New Frsh Enrolled
4154 TOT New Frsh Yield %
4155 TOTAL New Trfr Applications
4156 TOT New Trfr Appl Admitted
4157 % TOT New Trfr Appl Admt
4158 TOT New Trfr Enrolled
4159 TOT New Trfr Yield %
4160 Graduate Admissions
4170 Graduate Applications
4180 Graduate Admissions
4200 Graduate New Enrollments
4310 Student Quality ---- Juniors
4312 Ugrad ACT Compsite Juniors
4313 Number with an ACT Juniors
4315 High Sch Pctl Rank Juniors
4316 N with HS Pct Rank Juniors
4318 Ugrad SAT Compsite Juniors
4319 Number with an SAT Juniors
4330 Student/faculty ratios -----
4333 All Undergrads/Fac St$ FTE
4335 All Grad&Prof /Fac St$ FTE
4341 Ugrad Advisees/Fac St$ FTE
4343 Grad Advisees /Fac St$ FTE
4352 All Advisees /Fac St$ FTE
4353 All Studnt FTE/Fac St$ FTE
4355 All Ugrad FTE/ Fac St$ FTE
4357 Grad & Prf FTE/Fac St$ FTE
4363 All Undergrads/FacAll$ FTE
4365 All Grad&Prof /FacAll$ FTE
4371 Ugrad Advisees/FacAll$ FTE
4373 Grad Advisees /FacAll$ FTE
4382 All Advisees /FacAll$ FTE
4383 All Studnt FTE/FacAll$ FTE
4390 Tot UGrad FTE/FacAll$$ FTE
4391 Tot Gr/Pr FTE/FacAll$$ FTE
4400 Degrees Granted-------------
4415 Postsecondary Certificates
4420 Bachelor Degrees
4425 Post-Baccalaureate Certs
4430 Master Degrees
4440 Advanced Certificates
4450 Professional Degrees
4455 Master/Professional Degrs
4460 Doctoral Degrees
4480 % Group Degrees
4490 % Group Bachelors
4500 % Group Master/prof/certif
4510 % Group Doctoral
4550 Minors awarded
4552 Undergraduate Minors
4556 Graduate/Prof Minors
4560 Second Majors-Undergrad
4570 Freshman Retention Rate (%)
4575 % Fresh retained: underrep
4577 % Fresh retained: men
4578 % Fresh retained: women
4580 Last year Freshman Cohort
4585 Last yr Freshmen: underrep
4587 Last yr Freshmen: men
4588 Last yr Freshmen: women
4590 Freshmen retained one year
4595 Fresh Retained: underrep
4597 Fresh Retained: men
4598 Fresh Retained: women
4600 Four-year graduation rate
4601 4 yr Grad rate: same coll
4602 4 yr Grad rate: other coll
4603 4 yr Grad rate: underrep
4604 4 yr Grad rate: men
4605 4 yr Grad rate: women
4610 Five-year graduation rate
4611 5 yr Grad rate: same coll
4612 5 yr Grad rate: other coll
4613 5 yr Grad rate: underrep
4614 5 yr Grad rate: men
4615 5 yr Grad rate: women
4620 Six-year graduation rate
4622 6 yr Grad rate: same coll
4623 6 yr Grad rate: other coll
4625 6 yr Grad rate: underrep
4627 6 yr Grad rate: men
4628 6 yr Grad rate: women
4630 Grad rate original cohort
4635 Grad rate cohort: underrep
4637 Grad rate cohort: men
4638 Grad rate cohort: women
4640 Graduated within 6 years
4642 Graduated: from same coll
4643 Graduated: from other coll
4645 Graduated: underrepresntd
4647 Graduated: men
4648 Graduated: women
4650 Transfer graduation rate
4651 Xfer Grad rate: same coll
4652 Xfer Grad rate: other coll
4653 Xfer Grad rate: underrep
4654 Xfer Grad rate: men
4655 Xfer Grad rate: women
4700 Mean terms to degree
4706 BA/BS: % grad fr orig curric
4707 BA/BS: grad fr orig curric
4720 Bachelor terms to degree
4740 Master/Prof terms to deg
4760 Doctoral terms to degree
4800 Degrees/faculty FTE
4810 Bachelor degr/Fac FTE
4815 Master/prof /Fac FTE
4820 Master/prof/cert /Fac FTE
4840 Doctoral degr/Fac FTE
4850 Bachelor degr/FacAll$ FTE
4855 Master/prof /FacAll$ FTE
4860 Master/prf/crt/FacAll$ FTE
4880 Doctoral degr/FacAll$ FTE
4990 Study Abroad Participtn Rate
4991 IPS Study Abroad Students
5000 Senior Survey/1stDestination
5010 % Did undergrad research
5012 % Accepted Full-time work
5013 % Employed
5014 % Going to grad school
5015 % Continuing Education
5016 % FT work or grad school
5017 % Secured 1st Destination
5018 Study abroad participants
5020 Did undergrd research
5022 Found a fulltime paid job
5023 Entering military service
5024 Going to grad school
5025 Entering volunteer service
5026 Fulltime work or grad schl
5028 Study abroad respondents
5030 Ugrad resrch respondents
5032 Job respondents
5034 Grad school respondents
5036 Work/School respondents
5038 CommunityServiceParticipan
5040 CommunityServiceRespondent
5042 DevlpWaystoGiveBacktoCmty
5044 DevlpWaystoGiveBackRespond
5046 % Did Community Service
5048 % DevlpWaystoGiveBacktoCmt
5090 # We CU Participants
5100 Instructional Units Offered
5200 Total IUs Offered
5220 100 level
5240 200 level
5260 300 level
5280 400 level
5290 500+ level
5294 Total IUs offered online
5295 % Tot IUs offered online
5296 Tot undergrad online IUs
5297 % Tot undergrad online IUs
5298 Tot grad/prof online IUs
5299 % Tot grad/prof online IUs
5300 Academic year IUs
5320 Organized Classes
5340 Thesis
5360 Other Independent Study
5380 Summer IUs
5385 Winter IUs
5390 Extramural IUs
5400 Extramural on-load IUS
5420 Extramural off-load IUs
5440 AY IUs by Section Type
5450 Lect & Lect-Disc IUs
5460 Lab & Lab-Disc IUs
5470 Disc & Quiz IUs
5480 Online & Other IUs
5490 % Lect & Lect-Disc IUs
5500 % Lab & Lab-Disc IUs
5510 % Disc & Quiz IUs
5520 % Online & Other IUs
5600 IU Connectedness -----------
5610 AY IUs by student type
5620 % IUs taught to undergrads
5630 % Ugrad in dept
5640 % Ugrad other dept in coll
5650 % Ugrad other college
5660 % IUS Grad/prof students
5670 % Gr/prf in dept
5680 % Gr/prf other dept in col
5690 % Gr/prf other college
5700 % IUS students in this dept
5710 % IUS other dept in college
5720 % IUs students other coll
5730 IUs taught to undergrads
5740 Ugrad in dept
5750 Ugrad other dept in coll
5760 Ugrad other college
5770 IUS Grad/prof students
5780 Gr/prf in dept
5790 Gr/prf other dept in col
5800 Gr/prf other college
5810 IUS students in this dept
5820 IUS other dept in college
5830 IUs students other coll
5900 IU subsidies ---------------
5910 IUs offered by this unit but
5920 instructor paid elsewhere
5930 IUs offered by another unit
5940 with instr pd by this unit
5960 Net addl IUs on unit funds
6000 IUs on unit funds
6001 (IUs where unit paid instr)
6010 Ugrad Paid IUs Fall
6020 Ugrad Paid IUs Spring
6030 Ugrad Paid IUs S1 & S2
6035 Ugrad Paid IUs Winter
6050 % Grp Ugrad IUs Fall
6060 % Grp Ugrad IUs Spring
6070 % Grp Ugrad IUs S1 & S2
6075 % Grp Ugrad IUs Winter
6080 Grad Paid IUs Fall
6090 Grad Paid IUs Spring
6100 Grad Paid IUs S1 & S2
6105 Grad Paid IUs Winter
6110 Profnl Paid IUs Fall
6120 Profnl Paid IUs Spring
6130 Profnl Paid IUs S1 & S2
6135 Profnl Paid IUs Winter
6140 Total IUs paid on unit funds
6150 % Group Total IUs paid
6160 Undergrad Paid IUs
6170 Grad/Prof Paid IUs
6180 Paid IUs/Faculty FTE
6190 Paid IUs/Fac Instructnl FTE
6192 Faculty IUs/FacultyAll$ FTE
6200 Who is teaching
6210 (% of total IUs offered)
6221 Total IUs % Faculty
6230 Total IUs % Grad asst
6240 Total IUs % Spec Faculty
6251 100 lvl IUs % Faculty
6260 100 lvl IUs % Grad asst
6270 100 lvl IUs % Spec Faculty
6281 200 lvl IUs % Faculty
6290 200 lvl IUs % Grad asst
6300 200 lvl IUs % Spec Faculty
6311 300 lvl IUs % Faculty
6320 300 lvl IUs % Grad asst
6330 300 lvl IUs % Spec Faculty
6341 400 lvl IUs % Faculty
6345 400 lvl IUs % Grad asst
6351 Undergrad IUs % Fac
6352 Undergrad IUs % Grad asst
6353 Undergrad IUs % Spec Faculty
6356 400 lvl IUs % Other Instr
6357 500 lvl IUs % Faculty
6358 500 lvl IUs % Spec Faculty
6402 Total IUs Faculty
6404 Total IUs Grad asst
6405 Total IUs Spec Faculty
6412 100 lvl IUs Faculty
6414 100 lvl IUs Grad asst
6415 100 lvl IUs Spec Faculty
6422 200 lvl IUs Faculty
6424 200 lvl IUs Grad asst
6425 200 lvl IUs Spec Faculty
6432 300 lvl IUs Faculty
6434 300 lvl IUs Grad asst
6435 300 lvl IUs Spec Faculty
6442 400 lvl IUs Faculty
6444 400 lvl IUs Grad asst
6445 400 lvl IUs Spec Faculty
6447 Undergrad IUs
6452 500 lvl IUs Faculty
6454 500 lvl IUs Spec Faculty
6500 Undergrad Class Sections
6508 Fall - Main Sections
6509 Fall - Subsections
6510 Fall Main Sections < 20
6512 Fall Main Sections > 50
6520 % Fall Main Sections < 20
6522 % Fall Main Sections > 50
6535 All Class Sections offered
6540 100 level sections
6560 200 level sections
6580 300 level sections
6590 400 level sections
6600 500+ level sections
6620 Special Effort sections
6660 Honors sections
6690 Faculty-taught cls sectns
6691 Spec Fac Taught Class Sec
6700 Section size - mean
6720 100 level mean sec size
6740 200 level mean sec size
6760 300 level mean sec size
6780 400 level mean sec size
6790 500+ level mean sec size
6800 Section size--Std Deviation
6820 100 level Std Deviation
6840 200 level Std Deviation
6860 300 level Std Deviation
6880 400 level Std Deviation
6890 500+ level Std Deviation
6900 Teaching Activity ratios ---
6940 Class Sections/year/fac FTE
6942 Class Sec/Year/Spec Fac FTE
6960 Indiv Inst stdnts/yr/fac FTE
6961 Indiv Inst stdnts/yr
6962 SpecFac Indiv Inst stds/yr
6963 Indiv Inst stds/yr/Spec FTE
6980 % Courses Taken Online
6981 % Ugrad Online Courses
6982 % Grad Online Courses
7000 Financial Aid
7001 Total Financial Aid $000
7010 Undergrad Financial Aid $000
7011 % Ugrads with any aid
7012 % Ugrads w need-based aid
7013 % Ugrads with need
7015 % Ugrads with a UI loan
7016 % Ugrads with Pell
7018 FT Ugrad hdcount-annual
7019 UG hdct with any aid
7020 UG hdct w need-based aid
7021 UG hdct with need
7022 UG annual undup hdcnt
7025 UG hdct on gift aid
7026 UG hdct on UI loan aid
7027 UG hdct on employment
7030 Ugrad Gift Aid $000
7031 Ugrad Loan $000
7032 Ugrad Employment $000
7033 Ugrad Federal Aid $000
7034 Ugrad State Aid $000
7035 Ugrad Institl Aid $000
7036 Ugrad Other Aid $000
7040 UG Schlrshp & Grant Awd $000
7042 UG hdct with IL Commitment
7050 Grad & Profl Fin Aid $000
7051 Grad/Prof hdct w any aid
7052 Grad/Prof annl undup hdct
7053 Grad/Prof hdct w gift aid
7054 Grad/Prof hdct on UI loan
7055 Grad/Prof hdct employment
7060 Grad/Prof Gift Aid $000
7061 Grad/Prof Loan $000
7065 Grad/Prof Employment $000
7066 Grad/Prof Federal Aid $000
7067 Grad/Prof State Aid $000
7068 Grad/Prof Institutnl $000
7069 Grad/Prof Other Aid $000
7102 Net Tuition(=tuit-wvrs) $000
7106 Net tuition: Undergrad
7110 Ugrad Base tuition
7120 Ugrad Prog Diffrntl
7125 Ugrad Intl Diffrntl
7130 Ugrad College waiver
7140 Ugrad Campus waiver
7200 Net tuition: Graduate
7210 Regular Grad Tuition
7220 Grad Waiver
7230 Cost Recovery Tuition
7240 Self-Supprtng Tuition
7300 Net tuition: Professional
7310 Professionl Tuition
7320 Professional Waiver
8010 Fall Ugrad Base tuition
8020 FA Ugrad Prog Diffrntl
8025 FA Ugrad Intl Diffrntl
8030 FA Ugrad College waivr
8040 FA Ugrad Campus waiver
8110 FA Grad Tuition
8130 FA Grad Waiver
8140 FA Cost Recovery tuitn
8210 FA Profl Tuition
8220 FA Profl Waiver
8310 Spring Ugrad Base tuition
8320 SP Ugrad Prog Diffrntl
8325 SP Ugrad Intl Diffrntl
8330 SP Ugrad College waivr
8340 SP Ugrad Campus waiver
8410 SP Grad Tuition
8430 SP Grad Waiver
8440 SP Cost Recovery tuitn
8510 SP Profl Tuition
8520 SP Profl Waiver
8610 Summer Ugrad Base tuition
8620 SU Ugrad Prog Diffrntl
8625 SU Ugrad Intl Diffrntl
8630 SU Ugrad College waivr
8640 SU Ugrad Campus waiver
8710 SU Grad Tuition
8730 SU Grad Waiver
8740 SU Cost Recovery tuitn
8810 SU Profl Tuition
8820 SU Profl Waiver
8900 Net Extramural tuition
8902 Extramural tuition
8904 Extramural Waivers
8906 Extr SelfSup tuit ($000)
8908 Extr SelfSup wvrs ($000)
8910 Extramural FA tuitn ($000)
8920 Extramural FA wvrs ($000)
8930 Extramural SP tuitn ($000)
8940 Extramural SP wvrs ($000)
8950 Extramural SU tuitn ($000)
8960 Extramural SU wvrs ($000)
8964 Extramural WI tuitn ($000)
8966 Extramural WI wvrs ($000)
8970 Ext SelfS FA tuit ($000)
8975 Ext SelfS FA wvrs ($000)
8980 Ext SelfS SP tuit ($000)
8985 Ext SelfS SP wvrs ($000)
8990 Ext SelfS SU tuit ($000)
8995 Ext SelfS SU wvrs ($000)
8997 Ext SelfS WI tuit ($000)
8998 Ext SelfS WI wvrs ($000)
9500 ICES Teaching Evaluations
9520 % Sections using ICES
9540 Faculty ICES ratings
9560 Top 10% Faculty
9580 Next 20% Faculty
9600 Middle 40% Faculty
9620 Next 20% Faculty
9640 Bottom 10% Faculty
9660 TA ICES ratings
9680 Top 10% TA
9700 Next 20% TA
9720 Middle 40% TA
9740 Next 20% TA
9760 Bottom 10% TA
9770 ICES % Top rated (4 or 5)
9780 Avg % All Courses
9790 Faculty-taught sections
9800 Required Course Avg %
9810 Elective Course Avg %
9820 Mixed Course Avg %
9830 TA-taught sections
9840 Required Course Avg %
9850 Elective Course Avg %
9860 Mixed Course Avg %
9900 Ext Teaching Contacts, 000
9905 Extension Volunteers
3. Select Column Order
Descending year
Ascending year
Units Selected:
Items Selected:
Selecting from the lists: most current browsers interpret keystroke and mouse action combinations as follows:
Click: Selects or deselects one item. All previously selected items are now "deselected".
Shift-click : selects or deselectes all items between the previous selection and the current mouse position.
Ctrl-click: selects or deselects a single list item without affecting the other selected items.