The Campus Profile contains data for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus.

Types of Profile reports (select one from the menu bar)

Standard Profile

Several hundred commonly used data items for the campus and any department, school, college. The opening page for the Campus Profile is the Standard Profile for the Campus total for the current year, and this is the page you will return to any time you hit the Reset All link on the menu bar.

Strategic Profile

48 metrics for evaluating progress towards the campus-wide strategic goals, plus college-specific metrics for evaluating each college’s progress towards its unique goals. Most metrics have three-year targets, and graphs and a dashboard are available to display the data.

Custom Profile

Select the units you want and the items you want to create a custom report. More than 700 data items are available for all units, plus all of the college-specific strategic metrics.

The "Change Year" link

On the menu bar, a link labeled “Change year” allows you to look at the Campus Profile as it appeared in a previous year. A pop-up warning will appear when you select a year other than the default year; it cautions that the data may not be comparable, especially when units have moved around from college to college or data definitions have changed.

Formats available

Each report is available in three formats:

HTML for browsing and viewing the glossary, graphs, or dashboard.

Excel for working with the data (click on the Excel Extract Excel icon on the menu bar).

Print for printing the data in a readable format (click on the Print printer icon on the menu bar)

Column (year) order

Each page can be displayed with years in ascending or descending order by selecting the “Reverse Year Order” link on the menu bar. The default year order is descending for the Standard Profile (this is easier to view in a browser) and ascending for Strategic Profiles in order to show the most recent year next to the targets). Excel extracts always have the years in ascending order.

Help for specific pages

Standard Profile

Selecting a unit: The default is the Campus Total. Switch to any college or major campus unit by selecting from the “Select a major unit” dropdown list, and switch to any department-level unit by selecting from the “Select a department” dropdown list. Both lists are in alphabetical order. The lists are independent; it is not necessary to first select a college before finding a department in that college.

Finding the item of interest: The “Jump to data” dropdown list will move the cursor to one of the major areas of the report (staffing, budgets and students).

Understanding the data: Each item number is a link to a glossary which explains the source of the data and any jargon or abbreviations.

Getting more details: many of the individual data items are links; the links lead to “drilldowns” which will provide backup detail supporting the numbers in the Profile. For example, the staffing drilldowns will show the names and classification for each person in the unit, while the student drilldowns will show a breakout by student program.

Strategic Profile

Metrics: A standard set of metrics is available for all units campus-wide, and each participating unit also has unit-specific goals and metrics for each goal. The default is the Campus Total. Switch to any college or major campus unit by selecting from the “Select a major unit” dropdown list.

Charts: Three types of charts are available, and the menu bar link "Jump to Charts" allows the user to switch between them.

- College Dashboard: Critical metrics were selected by each unit for display on a dashboard.

- Custom Chart: Allows a user to select the units and items desired for charts.

- Strategic Dashboard: This shows charts of the Campus Strategic Metrics; other units may be selected from the dropdown box.

Note on the charts: Each chart may be exported as an image or pdf.

Custom Profile

The Custom Profile allows a user to select the units and items desired for analysis.

To create a Custom Profile, select one or more units from the “Select Unit(s)” dropdown box, one or more items from the “Select Item(s)” box, an order for the columns (ascending or descending year), and hit Submit.

Most current browsers interpret the keystroke and mouse action combinations as follows when selecting from such a list:

· Click: Selects or deselects one item. All previously selected items are now "deselected".
· Shift-click: selects or deselects all items between the previous selection and the current mouse position.
· Ctrl-click: selects or deselects a single list item without affecting the other selected items.

After each click, the units and items selected will appear in the boxes below. When all selections are complete, hit the “Submit” button to view the Custom Profile.

The “Select Units” dropdown box includes several useful groups of units:

At the top of the units list

All units, depts., colleges: selects every unit in the Campus Profile.
All academic college-level units: college-level academic units such as colleges, research institutes or schools, outside a college, CEPS, IPS, and the Library.
Undergraduate colleges: Only those units with enrolled undergraduate students
Campus Total: all Urbana-Champaign units reporting up through the Chancellor
Academic Units total: the sum of all the academic college-level units.

At the bottom of the units list

Engineering departments: Departments in the College of Engineering excluding Computer Science and Physics, plus the Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Agricultural and Biological Engineering.
Math, Stats, CS, Info Science dept: The Departments of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, plus GSLIS and the Medical Information Science unit.
Physical Science departments: Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology, Atmospheric Sciences
Social & Behavioral Science departments: HCD in ACES, plus a number of LAS units
Biological Science departments: units from LAS, AHS, Engineering, and ACES involved in Biological Science

These groups may not be combined with individually selected units – if you’ve already selected some units, they will be deselected when you select one of these groups.

The “Select Items” dropdown includes several useful groups:

All items
Standard Profile Items: items that appear in the Standard Profile
Strategic Indicators: those campus-wide and college-specific metrics used to evaluate progress on the strategic plan.

These groups may not be combined with individual items – if you’ve already selected some items, they will be deselected when you select one of these groups