Basic Institutional Data Form C

Fall, 1998

Source: Division of Management Information PN98089

The October, 1998 paymaster file was examined and all academic and graduate salaried appointments active on October 20, 1998 were pulled for further examination.

Identifcation of instructional and research staff: All appointments where the rank/class codes begins with "R", or where the rank/class code is WCWP (teaching assistant) or WCWR (research assistant), or where the PAPE code for an academic professional position is in a "research" job family were selected. Note: this excludes library and cooperative extension faculty.

Dealing with persons with multiple appointments: The position with the highest percent time was selected as the group for the employee.

Classifying employees into one group:

Summarizing pay: Annual salary on all active appointments October 20, 1998 (including appointments not classified as instructional or research) was accumulated. Salaries were not adjusted to a full-time rate for part-time employees before the mean, high, and low were calculated. Salaries were not adjusted to a common appointment length.

Determining part-time or full-time status: Percent time in instructional and research appointments was accumulated. If the total was 95% or more, the person was considered full-time. If the total was less than 95%, the person was considered part-time. Note that this means that the part-time employees includes persons who are 100% employees but who have administrative or service appointments in addition to the instructional and research appointments.

Determining highest degree: Degrees for academic staff were obtained from Payroll and from the HRR information warehouse. When the two sources disagreed, the higher degree was taken. When no degree was found, or when a faculty member had a degree less than doctoral level, personnel records were checked at the personnel office and in departmental offices. Note: degrees are not available for graduate assistants, but we assumed that each graduate assistant held at least a bachelor's degree since that is a requirement for admission to graduate school.

Determining age: Age as of January 22, 1999 was determined. Ages that were outrageous -- less than 15 or greater than 80 -- were hand checked by the Personnel office.

Determining sex and race/ethnic code: Demographic characteristics are retained in the payroll system reliably only for permanent academic employees. Any missing data are recorded in the "other" column of Part C.