Details by Program for Interdisciplinary Thesis (599) Students listed for Campus Profile Items 4050-4053 for unit XXX-XX-XXX-XXX

Students enrolled in a 599 Thesis course for an instructor paid from another department are counted by student program and instructor department pairings. Students supervised in this unit who have a home department elsewhere are shown first. Students with a home dept here who are supervised elsewhere are shown next, and the counts are negative. The net of students in and students out is shown as the overall total and should equal the numbers in Campus Profile rows 4050-4053.

For campus or academic units totals, we show below only the students who cross colleges.

Year Student Home College & Department Student Program Thesis Supervisor College & Dept Number of students
All Doctoral Master
Students from other depts supervised here
FY16 KLAgricultural & Consumer Econ 10KS5273MS MS: Agr & Applied Econ - UIUC KR Urban & Regional Planning 1 0 1
Total from Agricultural & Consumer Econ 1 0 0
FY16 KLAnimal Sciences 10KS0002PHD PHD:Animal Sciences -UIUC KV Sch of Molecular & Cell Admin 1 1 0
FY16 KLAnimal Sciences 10KS0002PHD PHD:Animal Sciences -UIUC LB Pathology 1 1 0
Total from Animal Sciences 2 0 0
FY16 KLCrop Sciences 10KS0030MS MS:Crop Sciences -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey 1 0 1
FY16 KLCrop Sciences 10KS0030PHD PHD:Crop Sciences -UIUC KV Plant Biology 1 1 0
Total from Crop Sciences 2 0 0
FY16 KLNatural Resources & Env Sci 10KS0190MS MS:Nat Res & Envrn Sci -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey 11 0 11
FY16 KLNatural Resources & Env Sci 10KS0190PHD PHD:Nat Res & Envrn Sci -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey 8 8 0
Total from Natural Resources & Env Sci 19 0 0
FY16 KLNutritional Sciences 10KS0191MS MS:Nutritional Sciences -UIUC KY Kinesiology & Community Health 3 0 3
FY16 KLNutritional Sciences 10KS0191MS MS:Nutritional Sciences -UIUC LB Pathology 1 0 1
FY16 KLNutritional Sciences 10KS0191PHD PHD:Nutritional Sciences -UIUC KV Psychology 1 1 0
FY16 KLNutritional Sciences 10KS0191PHD PHD:Nutritional Sciences -UIUC KY Kinesiology & Community Health 3 3 0
Total from Nutritional Sciences 8 0 0
FY16 KMReg Masters of Bus Admin Prgm 10KS9875MBA MBA:Bus Administration -UIUC KP Electrical & Computer Eng 1 0 1
Total from Reg Masters of Bus Admin Prgm 1 0 0
FY16 KNEduc Policy, Orgzn & Leadrship 10KS0220PHD PHD:Educ Policy Studies -UIUC KP Industrial&Enterprise Sys Engr 1 1 0
FY16 KNEduc Policy, Orgzn & Leadrship 10KS0220PHD PHD:Educ Policy Studies -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin 1 1 0
Total from Educ Policy, Orgzn & Leadrship 2 0 0
FY16 KNEducational Psychology 10KS0210PHD PHD:Educatnl Psychology -UIUC KV Spanish & Portuguese 1 1 0
FY16 KNEducational Psychology 10KS0210PHD PHD:Educatnl Psychology -UIUC KY Kinesiology & Community Health 1 1 0
Total from Educational Psychology 2 0 0
FY16 KPAerospace Engineering 10KS4048MS MS: Aerospace Engr -UIUC KV Atmospheric Sciences 1 0 1
Total from Aerospace Engineering 1 0 0
FY16 KPBioengineering 10KS0408MS MS:Bioengineering - UIUC KV Chemical & Biomolecular Engr 1 0 1
FY16 KPBioengineering 10KS0408PHD PHD: Bioengineering-UIUC KV Cell & Developmental Biology 1 1 0
FY16 KPBioengineering 10KS0408PHD PHD: Bioengineering-UIUC KV Chemical & Biomolecular Engr 2 2 0
FY16 KPBioengineering 10KS0408PHD PHD: Bioengineering-UIUC KV Chemistry 1 1 0
Total from Bioengineering 5 0 0
FY16 KPComputer Science 10KS0112MS MS:Computer Science -UIUC KV Mathematics 1 0 1
FY16 KPComputer Science 10KS0112PHD PHD:Computer Science -UIUC LB Medical Information Science 1 1 0
Total from Computer Science 2 0 0
FY16 KPEngineering Admin 10KS5163MS MS: Agr & Biol Engr -UIUC KL Agricultural & Biological Engr 17 0 17
FY16 KPEngineering Admin 10KS5163MS MS: Agr & Biol Engr -UIUC KL Food Sci & Human Nutrition 1 0 1
FY16 KPEngineering Admin 10KS5163PHD PHD: Agr & Biol Engr -UIUC KL Agricultural & Biological Engr 25 25 0
FY16 KPEngineering Admin 10KS5163PHD PHD: Agr & Biol Engr -UIUC KL Food Sci & Human Nutrition 1 1 0
Total from Engineering Admin 44 0 0
FY16 KPIndustrial&Enterprise Sys Engr 10KS0127PHD PHD:Industrial Enginerng -UIUC KM Business Administration 1 1 0
FY16 KPIndustrial&Enterprise Sys Engr 10KS3846PHD PHD:Sys&Entreprnural Eng-UIUC LG School of Labor & Employee Rel 1 1 0
Total from Industrial&Enterprise Sys Engr 2 0 0
FY16 KPMaterials Science & Engr 10KS0130MS MS:Materials Sci & Engr -UIUC KV Chemistry 1 0 1
FY16 KPMaterials Science & Engr 10KS0130PHD PHD:Materials Sci & Engr -UIUC KV Chemical & Biomolecular Engr 3 3 0
FY16 KPMaterials Science & Engr 10KS0130PHD PHD:Materials Sci & Engr -UIUC KV Chemistry 3 3 0
Total from Materials Science & Engr 7 0 0
FY16 KPMechanical Sci & Engineering 10KS0133PHD PHD:Mechanical Enginerng -UIUC KL Agricultural & Biological Engr 1 1 0
FY16 KPMechanical Sci & Engineering 10KS0133PHD PHD:Mechanical Enginerng -UIUC KV Chemical & Biomolecular Engr 1 1 0
Total from Mechanical Sci & Engineering 2 0 0
FY16 KPPhysics 10KS0240PHD PHD:Physics -UIUC KV Chemistry 4 4 0
FY16 KPPhysics 10KS0240PHD PHD:Physics -UIUC KV Mathematics 1 1 0
FY16 KPPhysics 10KS0240PHD PHD:Physics -UIUC NE Vice Chancellor for Research 1 1 0
Total from Physics 6 0 0
FY16 KRLandscape Architecture 10KS0156PHD PHD:Lndscpe Architecture -UIUC KV Anthropology 1 1 0
Total from Landscape Architecture 1 0 0
FY16 KRTheatre 10KS0162PHD PHD:Theatre -UIUC KV English 1 1 0
FY16 KRTheatre 10KS0162PHD PHD:Theatre -UIUC KV History 1 1 0
Total from Theatre 2 0 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KL Animal Sciences 1 1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KL Crop Sciences 1 1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KP Civil & Environmental Engr 1 1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KR Music 1 1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KT Journalism 1 1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KV Animal Biology 1 1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KV Cell & Developmental Biology 1 1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KV Psychology 1 1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC LM Illinois Informatics Institute 3 3 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC LP School of Information Sciences 3 3 0
Total from Graduate College Programs 14 0 0
FY16 KTInstitute Communications Res 10KS5202PHD PHD: Commnctns & Media -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin 1 1 0
Total from Institute Communications Res 1 0 0
FY16 KULaw 10KU0385JD JD:Law -UIUC KL Natural Resources & Env Sci 1 0 1
Total from Law 1 0 0
FY16 KVBiochemistry 10KS0318PHD PHD:Biochemistry -UIUC LB Medical Biochemistry 5 5 0
FY16 KVBiochemistry 10KS0318PHD PHD:Biochemistry -UIUC LC Comparative Biosciences 1 1 0
FY16 KVBiochemistry 10KS0318PHD PHD:Biochemistry -UIUC LN Ctr Innov in Teaching Learning 4 4 0
Total from Biochemistry 10 0 0
FY16 KVCell & Developmental Biology 10KS4094PHD PHD:Cell&Develpmntl Biol -UIUC LB Medical Cell & Structural Bio 5 5 0
Total from Cell & Developmental Biology 5 0 0
FY16 KVChemistry 10KS0337PHD PHD:Chemical Physics -UIUC KP Physics 1 1 0
FY16 KVChemistry 10KS0335PHD PHD:Chemistry -UIUC KP Civil & Environmental Engr 1 1 0
FY16 KVChemistry 10KS0335PHD PHD:Chemistry -UIUC KP Materials Science & Engr 3 3 0
FY16 KVChemistry 10KS0335PHD PHD:Chemistry -UIUC LC Comparative Biosciences 1 1 0
Total from Chemistry 6 0 0
FY16 KVEconomics 10KS0074PHD PHD:Economics -UIUC KM College of Business 2 2 0
FY16 KVEconomics 10KS0074PHD PHD:Economics -UIUC KM Finance 6 6 0
Total from Economics 8 0 0
FY16 KVEnglish 10KS0311PHD PHD:English -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin 3 3 0
Total from English 3 0 0
FY16 KVEntomology 10KS0324MS MS:Entomology -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey 3 0 3
FY16 KVEntomology 10KS0324PHD PHD:Entomology -UIUC NP IGB 1 1 0
FY16 KVEntomology 10KS0324PHD PHD:Entomology -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey 6 6 0
Total from Entomology 10 0 0
FY16 KVFrench & Italian 10KS0304PHD PHD:French -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin 1 1 0
Total from French & Italian 1 0 0
FY16 KVHistory 10KS0342PHD PHD:History -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin 3 3 0
Total from History 3 0 0
FY16 KVMathematics 10KS0327MS MS:Applied Mathematics -UIUC KP Mechanical Sci & Engineering 1 0 1
FY16 KVMathematics 10KS0327MS MS:Applied Mathematics -UIUC KP Physics 1 0 1
FY16 KVMathematics 10KS0439MS MS:Mathematics -UIUC KP Mechanical Sci & Engineering 1 0 1
Total from Mathematics 3 0 0
FY16 KVMicrobiology 10KS0322PHD PHD:Microbiology -UIUC LB Medical Microbiology 12 12 0
Total from Microbiology 12 0 0
FY16 KVMolecular & Integrative Phys 10KS0325PHD PHD:Mole & Integrat Phys -UIUC LB Medical Molecular & Integ Phys 2 2 0
Total from Molecular & Integrative Phys 2 0 0
FY16 KVPsychology 10KS0338PHD PHD:Psychology -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin 1 1 0
FY16 KVPsychology 10KS0338PHD PHD:Psychology -UIUC LG School of Labor & Employee Rel 2 2 0
Total from Psychology 3 0 0
FY16 KVSch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 10KS5107MS MS: Ecol, Evol, Cons Bio -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey 1 0 1
FY16 KVSch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 10KS5107PHD PHD: Ecol, Evol, Cons Bio-UIUC KL ACES Admin 1 1 0
FY16 KVSch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 10KS5107PHD PHD: Ecol, Evol, Cons Bio-UIUC KL Natural Resources & Env Sci 5 5 0
FY16 KVSch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 10KS5107PHD PHD: Ecol, Evol, Cons Bio-UIUC NP IGB 1 1 0
FY16 KVSch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 10KS5107PHD PHD: Ecol, Evol, Cons Bio-UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey 1 1 0
Total from Sch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 9 0 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0319PHD PHD:Biophys&Computnl Bio -UIUC KP Bioengineering 1 1 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0319PHD PHD:Biophys&Computnl Bio -UIUC KP Computer Science 1 1 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0319PHD PHD:Biophys&Computnl Bio -UIUC KP Physics 12 12 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0323PHD PHD:Neuroscience -UIUC KL Crop Sciences 2 2 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0323PHD PHD:Neuroscience -UIUC KP Aerospace Engineering 1 1 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0323PHD PHD:Neuroscience -UIUC KP Bioengineering 1 1 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0323PHD PHD:Neuroscience -UIUC KP Mechanical Sci & Engineering 1 1 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0323PHD PHD:Neuroscience -UIUC LC Comparative Biosciences 2 2 0
Total from Sch of Molecular & Cell Admin 21 0 0
FY16 KVSociology 10KS0344PHD PHD:Sociology -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin 1 1 0
Total from Sociology 1 0 0
FY16 KVStatistics 10KS0329MS MS:Statistics -UIUC KL Food Sci & Human Nutrition 1 0 1
FY16 KVStatistics 10KS0329PHD PHD:Statistics -UIUC KP Bioengineering 1 1 0
Total from Statistics 2 0 0
FY16 KYKinesiology & Community Health 10KS0349PHD PHD:Community Health -UIUC KL Agricultural & Consumer Econ 1 1 0
Total from Kinesiology & Community Health 1 0 0
FY16 KYRecreation, Sport and Tourism 10KS4043PHD PHD: Rec, Sport,Tourism -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey 1 1 0
Total from Recreation, Sport and Tourism 1 0 0
FY16 LCPathobiology 10KS5216PHD PHD:VMS-Pathobiology -UIUC KL Animal Sciences 1 1 0
FY16 LCPathobiology 10KS5216PHD PHD:VMS-Pathobiology -UIUC KV Microbiology 1 1 0
Total from Pathobiology 2 0 0
Total Students from other depts supervised here 228 179 49
FY16 KLAgricultural & Consumer Econ 10KS5273MS MS: Agr & Applied Econ - UIUC KR Urban & Regional Planning -1 0 -1
Total from Agricultural & Consumer Econ -1 0 0
FY16 KLAnimal Sciences 10KS0002PHD PHD:Animal Sciences -UIUC AJ Vice President for Research -1 -1 0
FY16 KLAnimal Sciences 10KS0002PHD PHD:Animal Sciences -UIUC KV Sch of Molecular & Cell Admin -1 -1 0
FY16 KLAnimal Sciences 10KS0002PHD PHD:Animal Sciences -UIUC LB Pathology -1 -1 0
Total from Animal Sciences -3 0 0
FY16 KLCrop Sciences 10KS0030MS MS:Crop Sciences -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey -1 0 -1
FY16 KLCrop Sciences 10KS0030PHD PHD:Crop Sciences -UIUC KV Plant Biology -1 -1 0
Total from Crop Sciences -2 0 0
FY16 KLNatural Resources & Env Sci 10KS0190MS MS:Nat Res & Envrn Sci -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey -11 0 -11
FY16 KLNatural Resources & Env Sci 10KS0190PHD PHD:Nat Res & Envrn Sci -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey -8 -8 0
Total from Natural Resources & Env Sci -19 0 0
FY16 KLNutritional Sciences 10KS0191MS MS:Nutritional Sciences -UIUC KY Kinesiology & Community Health -3 0 -3
FY16 KLNutritional Sciences 10KS0191MS MS:Nutritional Sciences -UIUC LB Pathology -1 0 -1
FY16 KLNutritional Sciences 10KS0191PHD PHD:Nutritional Sciences -UIUC KV Psychology -1 -1 0
FY16 KLNutritional Sciences 10KS0191PHD PHD:Nutritional Sciences -UIUC KY Kinesiology & Community Health -3 -3 0
Total from Nutritional Sciences -8 0 0
FY16 KMReg Masters of Bus Admin Prgm 10KS9875MBA MBA:Bus Administration -UIUC KP Electrical & Computer Eng -1 0 -1
Total from Reg Masters of Bus Admin Prgm -1 0 0
FY16 KNEduc Policy, Orgzn & Leadrship 10KS0220PHD PHD:Educ Policy Studies -UIUC KP Industrial&Enterprise Sys Engr -1 -1 0
FY16 KNEduc Policy, Orgzn & Leadrship 10KS0220PHD PHD:Educ Policy Studies -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin -1 -1 0
Total from Educ Policy, Orgzn & Leadrship -2 0 0
FY16 KNEducational Psychology 10KS0210PHD PHD:Educatnl Psychology -UIUC KV Spanish & Portuguese -1 -1 0
FY16 KNEducational Psychology 10KS0210PHD PHD:Educatnl Psychology -UIUC KY Kinesiology & Community Health -1 -1 0
Total from Educational Psychology -2 0 0
FY16 KPAerospace Engineering 10KS4048MS MS: Aerospace Engr -UIUC KV Atmospheric Sciences -1 0 -1
Total from Aerospace Engineering -1 0 0
FY16 KPBioengineering 10KS0408MS MS:Bioengineering - UIUC KV Chemical & Biomolecular Engr -1 0 -1
FY16 KPBioengineering 10KS0408PHD PHD: Bioengineering-UIUC KV Cell & Developmental Biology -1 -1 0
FY16 KPBioengineering 10KS0408PHD PHD: Bioengineering-UIUC KV Chemical & Biomolecular Engr -2 -2 0
FY16 KPBioengineering 10KS0408PHD PHD: Bioengineering-UIUC KV Chemistry -1 -1 0
Total from Bioengineering -5 0 0
FY16 KPComputer Science 10KS0112MS MS:Computer Science -UIUC KV Mathematics -1 0 -1
FY16 KPComputer Science 10KS0112PHD PHD:Computer Science -UIUC LB Medical Information Science -1 -1 0
Total from Computer Science -2 0 0
FY16 KPEngineering Admin 10KS5163MS MS: Agr & Biol Engr -UIUC KL Agricultural & Biological Engr -17 0 -17
FY16 KPEngineering Admin 10KS5163MS MS: Agr & Biol Engr -UIUC KL Food Sci & Human Nutrition -1 0 -1
FY16 KPEngineering Admin 10KS5163PHD PHD: Agr & Biol Engr -UIUC KL Agricultural & Biological Engr -25 -25 0
FY16 KPEngineering Admin 10KS5163PHD PHD: Agr & Biol Engr -UIUC KL Food Sci & Human Nutrition -1 -1 0
Total from Engineering Admin -44 0 0
FY16 KPIndustrial&Enterprise Sys Engr 10KS0127PHD PHD:Industrial Enginerng -UIUC KM Business Administration -1 -1 0
FY16 KPIndustrial&Enterprise Sys Engr 10KS3846PHD PHD:Sys&Entreprnural Eng-UIUC LG School of Labor & Employee Rel -1 -1 0
Total from Industrial&Enterprise Sys Engr -2 0 0
FY16 KPMaterials Science & Engr 10KS0130MS MS:Materials Sci & Engr -UIUC KV Chemistry -1 0 -1
FY16 KPMaterials Science & Engr 10KS0130PHD PHD:Materials Sci & Engr -UIUC KV Chemical & Biomolecular Engr -3 -3 0
FY16 KPMaterials Science & Engr 10KS0130PHD PHD:Materials Sci & Engr -UIUC KV Chemistry -3 -3 0
Total from Materials Science & Engr -7 0 0
FY16 KPMechanical Sci & Engineering 10KS0133PHD PHD:Mechanical Enginerng -UIUC KL Agricultural & Biological Engr -1 -1 0
FY16 KPMechanical Sci & Engineering 10KS0133PHD PHD:Mechanical Enginerng -UIUC KV Chemical & Biomolecular Engr -1 -1 0
Total from Mechanical Sci & Engineering -2 0 0
FY16 KPPhysics 10KS0240PHD PHD:Physics -UIUC KV Chemistry -4 -4 0
FY16 KPPhysics 10KS0240PHD PHD:Physics -UIUC KV Mathematics -1 -1 0
FY16 KPPhysics 10KS0240PHD PHD:Physics -UIUC NE Vice Chancellor for Research -1 -1 0
Total from Physics -6 0 0
FY16 KRLandscape Architecture 10KS0156PHD PHD:Lndscpe Architecture -UIUC KV Anthropology -1 -1 0
Total from Landscape Architecture -1 0 0
FY16 KRTheatre 10KS0162PHD PHD:Theatre -UIUC KV English -1 -1 0
FY16 KRTheatre 10KS0162PHD PHD:Theatre -UIUC KV History -1 -1 0
Total from Theatre -2 0 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KL Animal Sciences -1 -1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KL Crop Sciences -1 -1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KP Civil & Environmental Engr -1 -1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KR Music -1 -1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KT Journalism -1 -1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KV Animal Biology -1 -1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KV Cell & Developmental Biology -1 -1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC KV Psychology -1 -1 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC LM Illinois Informatics Institute -3 -3 0
FY16 KSGraduate College Programs 10KS5094PHD PHD: Informatics - UIUC LP School of Information Sciences -3 -3 0
Total from Graduate College Programs -14 0 0
FY16 KTInstitute Communications Res 10KS5202PHD PHD: Commnctns & Media -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin -1 -1 0
Total from Institute Communications Res -1 0 0
FY16 KULaw 10KU0385JD JD:Law -UIUC KL Natural Resources & Env Sci -1 0 -1
Total from Law -1 0 0
FY16 KVBiochemistry 10KS0318PHD PHD:Biochemistry -UIUC LB Medical Biochemistry -5 -5 0
FY16 KVBiochemistry 10KS0318PHD PHD:Biochemistry -UIUC LC Comparative Biosciences -1 -1 0
FY16 KVBiochemistry 10KS0318PHD PHD:Biochemistry -UIUC LN Ctr Innov in Teaching Learning -4 -4 0
Total from Biochemistry -10 0 0
FY16 KVCell & Developmental Biology 10KS4094PHD PHD:Cell&Develpmntl Biol -UIUC LB Medical Cell & Structural Bio -5 -5 0
Total from Cell & Developmental Biology -5 0 0
FY16 KVChemistry 10KS0337PHD PHD:Chemical Physics -UIUC KP Physics -1 -1 0
FY16 KVChemistry 10KS0335PHD PHD:Chemistry -UIUC KP Civil & Environmental Engr -1 -1 0
FY16 KVChemistry 10KS0335PHD PHD:Chemistry -UIUC KP Materials Science & Engr -3 -3 0
FY16 KVChemistry 10KS0335PHD PHD:Chemistry -UIUC LC Comparative Biosciences -1 -1 0
Total from Chemistry -6 0 0
FY16 KVEconomics 10KS0074PHD PHD:Economics -UIUC KM College of Business -2 -2 0
FY16 KVEconomics 10KS0074PHD PHD:Economics -UIUC KM Finance -6 -6 0
Total from Economics -8 0 0
FY16 KVEnglish 10KS0311PHD PHD:English -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin -3 -3 0
Total from English -3 0 0
FY16 KVEntomology 10KS0324MS MS:Entomology -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey -3 0 -3
FY16 KVEntomology 10KS0324PHD PHD:Entomology -UIUC NP IGB -1 -1 0
FY16 KVEntomology 10KS0324PHD PHD:Entomology -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey -6 -6 0
Total from Entomology -10 0 0
FY16 KVFrench & Italian 10KS0304PHD PHD:French -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin -1 -1 0
Total from French & Italian -1 0 0
FY16 KVHistory 10KS0342PHD PHD:History -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin -3 -3 0
Total from History -3 0 0
FY16 KVMathematics 10KS0327MS MS:Applied Mathematics -UIUC KP Mechanical Sci & Engineering -1 0 -1
FY16 KVMathematics 10KS0327MS MS:Applied Mathematics -UIUC KP Physics -1 0 -1
FY16 KVMathematics 10KS0439MS MS:Mathematics -UIUC KP Mechanical Sci & Engineering -1 0 -1
Total from Mathematics -3 0 0
FY16 KVMicrobiology 10KS0322PHD PHD:Microbiology -UIUC LB Medical Microbiology -12 -12 0
Total from Microbiology -12 0 0
FY16 KVMolecular & Integrative Phys 10KS0325PHD PHD:Mole & Integrat Phys -UIUC LB Medical Molecular & Integ Phys -2 -2 0
Total from Molecular & Integrative Phys -2 0 0
FY16 KVPsychology 10KS0338PHD PHD:Psychology -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin -1 -1 0
FY16 KVPsychology 10KS0338PHD PHD:Psychology -UIUC LG School of Labor & Employee Rel -2 -2 0
Total from Psychology -3 0 0
FY16 KVSch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 10KS5107MS MS: Ecol, Evol, Cons Bio -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey -1 0 -1
FY16 KVSch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 10KS5107PHD PHD: Ecol, Evol, Cons Bio-UIUC KL ACES Admin -1 -1 0
FY16 KVSch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 10KS5107PHD PHD: Ecol, Evol, Cons Bio-UIUC KL Natural Resources & Env Sci -5 -5 0
FY16 KVSch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 10KS5107PHD PHD: Ecol, Evol, Cons Bio-UIUC NP IGB -1 -1 0
FY16 KVSch of Intgrtve Biology Admin 10KS5107PHD PHD: Ecol, Evol, Cons Bio-UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey -1 -1 0
Total from Sch of Intgrtve Biology Admin -9 0 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0319PHD PHD:Biophys&Computnl Bio -UIUC KP Bioengineering -1 -1 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0319PHD PHD:Biophys&Computnl Bio -UIUC KP Computer Science -1 -1 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0319PHD PHD:Biophys&Computnl Bio -UIUC KP Physics -12 -12 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0323PHD PHD:Neuroscience -UIUC KL Crop Sciences -2 -2 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0323PHD PHD:Neuroscience -UIUC KP Aerospace Engineering -1 -1 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0323PHD PHD:Neuroscience -UIUC KP Bioengineering -1 -1 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0323PHD PHD:Neuroscience -UIUC KP Mechanical Sci & Engineering -1 -1 0
FY16 KVSch of Molecular & Cell Admin 10KS0323PHD PHD:Neuroscience -UIUC LC Comparative Biosciences -2 -2 0
Total from Sch of Molecular & Cell Admin -21 0 0
FY16 KVSociology 10KS0344PHD PHD:Sociology -UIUC KS Graduate College Admin -1 -1 0
Total from Sociology -1 0 0
FY16 KVStatistics 10KS0329MS MS:Statistics -UIUC KL Food Sci & Human Nutrition -1 0 -1
FY16 KVStatistics 10KS0329PHD PHD:Statistics -UIUC KP Bioengineering -1 -1 0
Total from Statistics -2 0 0
FY16 KYKinesiology & Community Health 10KS0349PHD PHD:Community Health -UIUC KL Agricultural & Consumer Econ -1 -1 0
Total from Kinesiology & Community Health -1 0 0
FY16 KYRecreation, Sport and Tourism 10KS4043PHD PHD: Rec, Sport,Tourism -UIUC NP IL Natural History Survey -1 -1 0
Total from Recreation, Sport and Tourism -1 0 0
FY16 LCPathobiology 10KS5216PHD PHD:VMS-Pathobiology -UIUC KL Animal Sciences -1 -1 0
FY16 LCPathobiology 10KS5216PHD PHD:VMS-Pathobiology -UIUC KV Microbiology -1 -1 0
Total from Pathobiology -2 0 0
Total Students from this unit supervised elsewhere -229 -180 -49
Totals shown on lines 4050, 4052,4053 -1-10


Created: 7/26/2024

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