2000-01 FACULTY EQUITY REGRESSION MODEL                        Division of Management Information  PN 99038           25

Model: Full profs: With terms interacting with sex

Descriptive Statistics

Variables                 Sum                Mean      Uncorrected SS            Variance       Std Deviation

INTERCEP                  899                   1                 899                   0                   0

ASSTSAL           49728679.55        55315.550111        2.8865678E12        151223359.44        12297.290736

PHD                       826        0.9187986652                 826        0.0746907601        0.2732961033

LIB                        16        0.0177975528                  16        0.0175002663        0.1322885721

SEX                       783        0.8709677419                 783        0.1125080825        0.3354222451

R3                         17        0.0189098999                  17        0.0185729752        0.1362827031

R4                         73        0.0812013348                  73        0.0746907601        0.2732961033

R5                         15        0.0166852058                  15        0.0164250801        0.1281603686

YRSDEGR               23254.3        25.866852058           655796.51        60.446516917        7.7747358101

RANK1                     598        0.6651835373                 598        0.2229624106        0.4721889565

ADM                       152        0.1690767519                 152        0.1406462513        0.3750283341

DPTS                     1573        1.7497219132                3565        0.9049971386        0.9513133756

YRSFULL                8072.3        8.9791991101           106831.13        38.249822966         6.184644126

SEXSAL             44005644.2         48949.54861        2.5892836E12         484662837.8        22015.059341

ACTUAL               85648216        95270.540601        8.8164129E12        731248344.19         27041.60395

SEXYRSD               20511.1        22.815461624           585120.87        130.45729965        11.421790562

SEXADM                    134         0.149054505                 134        0.1269785037        0.3563404323

SEXDPTS                  1364        1.5172413793                3076        1.1208048537        1.0586807138

SEXRNK1                   520        0.5784204672                 520        0.2441217785        0.4940868127

SEXYRSFU               6843.2        7.6120133482            88992.68        41.093708525        6.4104374676

Model: MODEL1: Sex interacting with starting salary

Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean

Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model           13 386268719747  29712978442       97.251       0.0001

Error          885 270392293332 305528015.06

C Total        898 656661013079

    Root MSE   17479.35969     R-square       0.5882

    Dep Mean   95270.54060     Adj R-sq       0.5822

    C.V.          18.34708

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                                             Standardized

Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|     Type I SS    Type II SS      Estimate

INTERCEP   1         28345  8287.1815354         3.420        0.0007  8.1597518E12    3574179532    0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1      0.827904    0.15014823         5.514        0.0001  226827266311    9289040798    0.37649319

PHD        1         11264  2419.6840140         4.655        0.0001    7145074146    6620363940    0.11383480

LIB        1  -5597.647817  4837.4403893        -1.157        0.2475     926145047     409101364   -0.02738391

SEX        1  -9388.940555  8110.1128577        -1.158        0.2473    3005677959     409477857   -0.11645979

R3         1  -5235.710937  4316.6432323        -1.213        0.2255      42908651     449479665   -0.02638663

R4         1    478.168930  2168.5165032         0.221        0.8255      11621206      14855535    0.00483262

R5         1     72.373658  4591.4725986         0.016        0.9874     117158728         75912    0.00034301

YRSDEGR    1    389.015283   78.12608763         4.979        0.0001    6240097091    7575167039    0.11184585

RANK1      1   6248.093384  1847.8409131         3.381        0.0008   25065159150    3493147346    0.10910154

ADM        1         18722  1610.2494924        11.627        0.0001   59223494832   41301105709    0.25964510

DPTS       1   3694.827267  639.15753472         5.781        0.0001   10642289971   10209947114    0.12998262

YRSFULL    1  -1775.196431  143.49085412       -12.371        0.0001   46365982897   46762253228   -0.40600248

SEXSAL     1      0.228969    0.15627954         1.465        0.1432     655843757     655843757    0.18640786

                   Squared       Squared       Squared       Squared

              Semi-partial       Partial  Semi-partial       Partial                    Variance

Variable  DF   Corr Type I   Corr Type I  Corr Type II  Corr Type II     Tolerance     Inflation

INTERCEP   1     .             .             .             .             .            0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1    0.34542521    0.34542521    0.01414587    0.03321295    0.09979652   10.02038964

PHD        1    0.01088092    0.01662288    0.01008186    0.02389914    0.77801955    1.28531474

LIB        1    0.00141039    0.00219108    0.00062300    0.00151071    0.83080441    1.20365274

SEX        1    0.00457721    0.00712647    0.00062358    0.00151209    0.04597664   21.75017805

R3         1    0.00006534    0.00010247    0.00068449    0.00165957    0.98310728    1.01718299

R4         1    0.00001770    0.00002775    0.00002262    0.00005494    0.96868452    1.03232784

R5         1    0.00017842    0.00027981    0.00000012    0.00000028    0.98256935    1.01773987

YRSDEGR    1    0.00950277    0.01490759    0.01153589    0.02725199    0.92217059    1.08439806

RANK1      1    0.03817062    0.06078685    0.00531956    0.01275405    0.44690364    2.23761882

ADM        1    0.09018884    0.15292168    0.06289563    0.13250555    0.93295393    1.07186429

DPTS       1    0.01620667    0.03244043    0.01554828    0.03638584    0.92026238    1.08664661

YRSFULL    1    0.07060870    0.14607410    0.07121217    0.14744311    0.43201302    2.31474508

SEXSAL     1    0.00099876    0.00241966    0.00099876    0.00241966    0.02874291   34.79118929

Model: MODEL2 Sex interacting with year from degree

Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean

Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model           13 386356197548  29719707504       97.305       0.0001

Error          885 270304815531 305429170.09

C Total        898 656661013079

    Root MSE   17476.53198     R-square       0.5884

    Dep Mean   95270.54060     Adj R-sq       0.5823

    C.V.          18.34411

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                                             Standardized

Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|     Type I SS    Type II SS      Estimate

INTERCEP   1         10132  6787.6853811         1.493        0.1359  8.1597518E12     680479262    0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1      1.030925    0.05289356        19.491        0.0001  226827266311  116026943521    0.46881766

PHD        1         11238  2417.9741985         4.648        0.0001    7145074146    6597782234    0.11357857

LIB        1  -4339.648434  4774.2570888        -0.909        0.3636     926145047     252352728   -0.02122973

SEX        1         11336  6141.2419947         1.846        0.0652    3005677959    1040730152    0.14061428

R3         1  -4816.532866  4309.2675467        -1.118        0.2640      42908651     381568620   -0.02427408

R4         1    581.530982  2162.4866653         0.269        0.7881      11621206      22087642    0.00587725

R5         1    112.113198  4589.9364176         0.024        0.9805     117158728        182226    0.00053135

YRSDEGR    1    733.605082  234.16209166         3.133        0.0018    6240097091    2997795456    0.21091891

RANK1      1   6414.308280  1854.1172866         3.459        0.0006   25065159150    3655407208    0.11200392

ADM        1         18878  1608.8642644        11.734        0.0001   59223494832   42051465955    0.26181007

DPTS       1   3737.249192  638.58991921         5.852        0.0001   10642289971   10460935121    0.13147501

YRSFULL    1  -1800.122121  144.99317517       -12.415        0.0001   46365982897   47078143556   -0.41170319

SEXYRSD    1   -384.699730  246.59755896        -1.560        0.1191     743321558     743321558   -0.16248887

                   Squared       Squared       Squared       Squared

              Semi-partial       Partial  Semi-partial       Partial                    Variance

Variable  DF   Corr Type I   Corr Type I  Corr Type II  Corr Type II     Tolerance     Inflation

INTERCEP   1     .             .             .             .             .            0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1    0.34542521    0.34542521    0.17669230    0.30032981    0.80391419    1.24391386

PHD        1    0.01088092    0.01662288    0.01004747    0.02382709    0.77886820    1.28391428

LIB        1    0.00141039    0.00219108    0.00038430    0.00093271    0.85266397    1.17279495

SEX        1    0.00457721    0.00712647    0.00158488    0.00383544    0.08015637   12.47561516

R3         1    0.00006534    0.00010247    0.00058107    0.00140963    0.98615636    1.01403798

R4         1    0.00001770    0.00002775    0.00003364    0.00008171    0.97377903    1.02692702

R5         1    0.00017842    0.00027981    0.00000028    0.00000067    0.98290907    1.01738811

YRSDEGR    1    0.00950277    0.01490759    0.00456521    0.01096878    0.10261946    9.74474060

RANK1      1    0.03817062    0.06078685    0.00556666    0.01334284    0.44373953    2.25357430

ADM        1    0.09018884    0.15292168    0.06403832    0.13462661    0.93425881    1.07036721

DPTS       1    0.01620667    0.03244043    0.01593050    0.03725859    0.92160082    1.08506848

YRSFULL    1    0.07060870    0.14607410    0.07169322    0.14833230    0.42297006    2.36423354

SEXYRSD    1    0.00113197    0.00274240    0.00113197    0.00274240    0.04287343   23.32446848

Model: MODEL3 Sex interacting with administrative appointments

Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean

Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model           13 386068721607  29697593970       97.129       0.0001

Error          885 270592291472 305754001.66

C Total        898 656661013079

    Root MSE   17485.82288     R-square       0.5879

    Dep Mean   95270.54060     Adj R-sq       0.5819

    C.V.          18.35386

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                                             Standardized

Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|     Type I SS    Type II SS      Estimate

INTERCEP   1         19139  4541.6369733         4.214        0.0001  8.1597518E12    5429555740    0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1      1.031049    0.05293753        19.477        0.0001  226827266311  115985369984    0.46887407

PHD        1         10999  2416.9296890         4.551        0.0001    7145074146    6332415928    0.11116387

LIB        1  -4036.296171  4788.6362629        -0.843        0.3995     926145047     217227349   -0.01974572

SEX        1   1321.649396  1959.1246017         0.675        0.5001    3005677959     139149150    0.01639365

R3         1  -4820.927379  4311.6351121        -1.118        0.2638      42908651     382251615   -0.02429623

R4         1    694.950241  2161.1833587         0.322        0.7479      11621206      31615230    0.00702352

R5         1    101.262253  4593.2140576         0.022        0.9824     117158728        148605    0.00047992

YRSDEGR    1    385.078237   78.22875673         4.922        0.0001    6240097091    7408618677    0.11071390

RANK1      1   6287.310208  1850.7532183         3.397        0.0007   25065159150    3528620071    0.10978633

ADM        1         13642  4539.0086491         3.005        0.0027   59223494832    2761693350    0.18918831

DPTS       1   3718.239552  639.00220675         5.819        0.0001   10642289971   10352426749    0.13080626

YRSFULL    1  -1769.368405  143.43229383       -12.336        0.0001   46365982897   46528044223   -0.40466956

SEXADM     1   5896.145055  4828.8680946         1.221        0.2224     455845617     455845617    0.07769639

                   Squared       Squared       Squared       Squared

              Semi-partial       Partial  Semi-partial       Partial                    Variance

Variable  DF   Corr Type I   Corr Type I  Corr Type II  Corr Type II     Tolerance     Inflation

INTERCEP   1     .             .             .             .             .            0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1    0.34542521    0.34542521    0.17662899    0.30003123    0.80343279    1.24465918

PHD        1    0.01088092    0.01662288    0.00964336    0.02286692    0.78037060    1.28144243

LIB        1    0.00141039    0.00219108    0.00033081    0.00080214    0.84845235    1.17861658

SEX        1    0.00457721    0.00712647    0.00021190    0.00051397    0.78847508    1.26827090

R3         1    0.00006534    0.00010247    0.00058211    0.00141066    0.98612129    1.01407404

R4         1    0.00001770    0.00002775    0.00004815    0.00011682    0.97599076    1.02459987

R5         1    0.00017842    0.00027981    0.00000023    0.00000055    0.98255065    1.01775924

YRSDEGR    1    0.00950277    0.01490759    0.01128226    0.02664962    0.92043193    1.08644645

RANK1      1    0.03817062    0.06078685    0.00537358    0.01287250    0.44582779    2.24301855

ADM        1    0.09018884    0.15292168    0.00420566    0.01010299    0.11750210    8.51048614

DPTS       1    0.01620667    0.03244043    0.01576525    0.03684863    0.92139084    1.08531576

YRSFULL    1    0.07060870    0.14607410    0.07085550    0.14672047    0.43268565    2.31114665

SEXADM     1    0.00069419    0.00168179    0.00069419    0.00168179    0.11499393    8.69611104

Model: MODEL4 Sex interacting with number of departments

Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean

Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model           13 386336225430  29718171187       97.293       0.0001

Error          885 270324787649 305451737.46

C Total        898 656661013079

    Root MSE   17477.17762     R-square       0.5883

    Dep Mean   95270.54060     Adj R-sq       0.5823

    C.V.          18.34479

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                                             Standardized

Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|     Type I SS    Type II SS      Estimate

INTERCEP   1         22752  5384.3326521         4.226        0.0001  8.1597518E12    5454182523    0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1      1.028895    0.05295943        19.428        0.0001  226827266311  115291679599    0.46789452

PHD        1         11162  2416.2412539         4.620        0.0001    7145074146    6518783842    0.11281147

LIB        1  -5578.506913  4829.0998239        -1.155        0.2483     926145047     407611272   -0.02729027

SEX        1  -2863.760528  3756.2844480        -0.762        0.4460    3005677959     177541160   -0.03552189

R3         1  -5130.021301  4312.3221258        -1.190        0.2345      42908651     432273435   -0.02585398

R4         1    808.705740  2159.5115616         0.374        0.7081      11621206      42836362    0.00817319

R5         1    -34.509769  4593.0834020        -0.008        0.9940     117158728         17243   -0.00016355

YRSDEGR    1    386.545904   78.13566225         4.947        0.0001    6240097091    7475601740    0.11113587

RANK1      1   6264.394045  1847.8941425         3.390        0.0007   25065159150    3510318786    0.10938618

ADM        1         18798  1608.6354873        11.686        0.0001   59223494832   41710150496    0.26069869

DPTS       1   1317.521323  1693.3682120         0.778        0.4367   10642289971     184907744    0.04634990

YRSFULL    1  -1770.219854  143.36091096       -12.348        0.0001   46365982897   46573139063   -0.40486429

SEXDPTS    1   2781.241024  1807.3233173         1.539        0.1242     723349441     723349441    0.10888578

                   Squared       Squared       Squared       Squared

              Semi-partial       Partial  Semi-partial       Partial                    Variance

Variable  DF   Corr Type I   Corr Type I  Corr Type II  Corr Type II     Tolerance     Inflation

INTERCEP   1     .             .             .             .             .            0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1    0.34542521    0.34542521    0.17557260    0.29898018    0.80197497    1.24692171

PHD        1    0.01088092    0.01662288    0.00992717    0.02354681    0.78004345    1.28197987

LIB        1    0.00141039    0.00219108    0.00062073    0.00150559    0.83346859    1.19980526

SEX        1    0.00457721    0.00712647    0.00027037    0.00065634    0.21427209    4.66696350

R3         1    0.00006534    0.00010247    0.00065829    0.00159654    0.98483255    1.01540104

R4         1    0.00001770    0.00002775    0.00006523    0.00015844    0.97653613    1.02402765

R5         1    0.00017842    0.00027981    0.00000003    0.00000006    0.98163516    1.01870842

YRSDEGR    1    0.00950277    0.01490759    0.01138426    0.02690998    0.92171443    1.08493473

RANK1      1    0.03817062    0.06078685    0.00534571    0.01281910    0.44676633    2.23830655

ADM        1    0.09018884    0.15292168    0.06351854    0.13367141    0.93459362    1.06998377

DPTS       1    0.01620667    0.03244043    0.00028159    0.00068355    0.13107391    7.62928342

YRSFULL    1    0.07060870    0.14607410    0.07092417    0.14696574    0.43268848    2.31113157

SEXDPTS    1    0.00110156    0.00266871    0.00110156    0.00266871    0.09291045   10.76305212

2000-01 FACULTY EQUITY REGRESSION MODEL                        Division of Management Information  PN 99038           30

Model: Full profs: With terms interacting with sex

Model: MODEL5 Sex interacting with whether first rank was assistant professor

Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean

Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model           13 386407421964  29723647843       97.336       0.0001

Error          885 270253591115  305371289.4

C Total        898 656661013079

    Root MSE   17474.87595     R-square       0.5884

    Dep Mean   95270.54060     Adj R-sq       0.5824

    C.V.          18.34237

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                                             Standardized

Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|     Type I SS    Type II SS      Estimate

INTERCEP   1         14837  4901.0342680         3.027        0.0025  8.1597518E12    2798501676    0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1      1.031843    0.05287034        19.516        0.0001  226827266311  116313914975    0.46923543

PHD        1         11141  2415.5184497         4.612        0.0001    7145074146    6496358371    0.11259840

LIB        1  -5125.500569  4791.1408489        -1.070        0.2850     926145047     349480460   -0.02507415

SEX        1   6228.361850  3098.7628481         2.010        0.0447    3005677959    1233670540    0.07725618

R3         1  -5458.900369  4323.6364358        -1.263        0.2071      42908651     486788380   -0.02751145

R4         1    678.215940  2159.7334440         0.314        0.7536      11621206      30113683    0.00685439

R5         1    527.052813  4591.5914156         0.115        0.9086     117158728       4023556    0.00249790

YRSDEGR    1    384.799608   78.15417959         4.924        0.0001    6240097091    7402749060    0.11063380

RANK1      1         11342  3711.1298999         3.056        0.0023   25065159150    2852320223    0.19804988

ADM        1         18684  1610.6752347        11.600        0.0001   59223494832   41090185900    0.25911620

DPTS       1   3689.419887  639.03680651         5.773        0.0001   10642289971   10178707300    0.12979239

YRSFULL    1  -1758.015603  143.39947700       -12.260        0.0001   46365982897   45896389064   -0.40207308

SEXRNK1    1  -6052.168258  3752.0237518        -1.613        0.1071     794545975     794545975   -0.11058133

                   Squared       Squared       Squared       Squared

              Semi-partial       Partial  Semi-partial       Partial                    Variance

Variable  DF   Corr Type I   Corr Type I  Corr Type II  Corr Type II     Tolerance     Inflation

INTERCEP   1     .             .             .             .             .            0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1    0.34542521    0.34542521    0.17712931    0.30088901    0.80446813    1.24305732

PHD        1    0.01088092    0.01662288    0.00989302    0.02347375    0.78030478    1.28155052

LIB        1    0.00141039    0.00219108    0.00053221    0.00129149    0.84650462    1.18132846

SEX        1    0.00457721    0.00712647    0.00187870    0.00454412    0.31476864    3.17693652

R3         1    0.00006534    0.00010247    0.00074131    0.00179799    0.97942695    1.02100519

R4         1    0.00001770    0.00002775    0.00004586    0.00011142    0.97607835    1.02450792

R5         1    0.00017842    0.00027981    0.00000613    0.00001489    0.98201450    1.01831490

YRSDEGR    1    0.00950277    0.01490759    0.01127332    0.02666155    0.92103507    1.08573498

RANK1      1    0.03817062    0.06078685    0.00434367    0.01044401    0.11074086    9.03009038

ADM        1    0.09018884    0.15292168    0.06257443    0.13197690    0.93198247    1.07298156

DPTS       1    0.01620667    0.03244043    0.01550070    0.03629649    0.92013789    1.08679363

YRSFULL    1    0.07060870    0.14607410    0.06989358    0.14517284    0.43234188    2.31298437

SEXRNK1    1    0.00120998    0.00293138    0.00120998    0.00293138    0.09894963   10.10615179

Model: MODEL6 Sex interacting with year to reach full professor

Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean

Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model           13 386887244953  29760557304       97.630       0.0001

Error          885 269773768126 304829116.53

C Total        898 656661013079

    Root MSE   17459.35613     R-square       0.5892

    Dep Mean   95270.54060     Adj R-sq       0.5831

    C.V.          18.32608

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                                             Standardized

Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|     Type I SS    Type II SS      Estimate

INTERCEP   1         13800  4930.4543705         2.799        0.0052  8.1597518E12    2387973208    0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1      1.031108    0.05282589        19.519        0.0001  226827266311  116137041675    0.46890079

PHD        1         10883  2414.3145712         4.508        0.0001    7145074146    6193582067    0.10998604

LIB        1  -5789.484913  4813.2598241        -1.203        0.2294     926145047     441019394   -0.02832238

SEX        1   8007.675106  3379.9250074         2.369        0.0180    3005677959    1711020477    0.09932667

R3         1  -5080.527804  4305.9720620        -1.180        0.2384      42908651     424357319   -0.02560455

R4         1    595.360468  2158.7438186         0.276        0.7828      11621206      23185380    0.00601701

R5         1    463.304771  4585.5810939         0.101        0.9195     117158728       3111725    0.00219578

YRSDEGR    1    372.020879   78.48910078         4.740        0.0001    6240097091    6848135872    0.10695978

RANK1      1   6435.248125  1849.7938601         3.479        0.0005   25065159150    3689269434    0.11236956

ADM        1         18694  1608.1578430        11.625        0.0001   59223494832   41191287399    0.25925955

DPTS       1   3705.577243  638.07084872         5.807        0.0001   10642289971   10280882161    0.13036080

YRSFULL    1  -1295.417193  271.03745750        -4.779        0.0001   46365982897    6963332473   -0.29627290

SEXYRSFU   1   -566.504442  277.06645625        -2.045        0.0412    1274368963    1274368963   -0.13429460

                   Squared       Squared       Squared       Squared

              Semi-partial       Partial  Semi-partial       Partial                    Variance

Variable  DF   Corr Type I   Corr Type I  Corr Type II  Corr Type II     Tolerance     Inflation

INTERCEP   1     .             .             .             .             .            0.00000000

ASSTSAL    1    0.34542521    0.34542521    0.17685996    0.30094270    0.80439172    1.24317540

PHD        1    0.01088092    0.01662288    0.00943193    0.02244317    0.77969639    1.28255051

LIB        1    0.00141039    0.00219108    0.00067161    0.00163211    0.83725325    1.19438175

SEX        1    0.00457721    0.00712647    0.00260564    0.00630245    0.26410843    3.78632371

R3         1    0.00006534    0.00010247    0.00064623    0.00157054    0.98572601    1.01448069

R4         1    0.00001770    0.00002775    0.00003531    0.00008594    0.97523890    1.02538977

R5         1    0.00017842    0.00027981    0.00000474    0.00001153    0.98284234    1.01745718

YRSDEGR    1    0.00950277    0.01490759    0.01042872    0.02475630    0.91157021    1.09700821

RANK1      1    0.03817062    0.06078685    0.00561823    0.01349093    0.44494035    2.24749227

ADM        1    0.09018884    0.15292168    0.06272839    0.13246275    0.93324270    1.07153262

DPTS       1    0.01620667    0.03244043    0.01565630    0.03671027    0.92128733    1.08543770

YRSFULL    1    0.07060870    0.14607410    0.01060415    0.02516227    0.12080699    8.27766694

SEXYRSFU   1    0.00194068    0.00470163    0.00194068    0.00470163    0.10760610    9.29315382